[CQ-Contest] Announcing QScope.org version 1.00

XV4Y xv4y at nature-mekong.com
Fri Aug 30 04:11:34 EDT 2013

Dear fellow contesters,

As some of you have noticed, project COSTA is now QScope.org and we have reached a significant milestone with version 1.00.
Thanks to many beta testers who offered their assistance, several new statistics, charts and features have been added, most bugs are gone (but I'm sure that unfortunately some are still alive deeply hidden in the code lines) and many peoples have expressed their interest for the project.

I would like to express my special thanks to Jim VE7FO, Paul EI5DI, Luc PY8ZAT, Fabian DJ1YFK, Pedro LU7HZ, Roger G3SXW who helped me finding innovative statistics and gave interesting feedbacks.

I know some of you have expressed the need of having some kind of planning tool (including against propagation prediction or past contests) but that was out of the scope of my current project. That is however something I will study if time allows for future developments.
The good think of a web application (have I said Cloud Computing ?) is that updates can be done on the fly and are available for all users without the need for downloading or reinstalling.

Currently, QScope offers informations like* :
- Number of QSOs, Operating Time
- Unique callsigns worked, unique DXCCs entities, CQ and ITU Zones
- Average and Maximum QSO Rates over periods of 10, 30 and 60 minutes
- Activity Map showing which band, mode, operating position was more productive during a contest
- Charts with number of QSOs per unique callsign, band, mode or operator
- Charts with number of Points per unique callsign, band, mode or operator
- Charts with number of QSOs per CQ and ITU Zones
- Charts showing hour by hour, the Number of QSOs and Points, Number of new CQ and new ITU Zones worked, Number of new DXCC entities and new Prefixes worked
- Charts with Operating Time per band, mode or operator with parameter for pause duration
- Charts showing minute by minute how much was your QSO Rate for your whole log, per operator or per band, with parameter for the sample duration from 5 minutes to 60 minutes
- Charts with Maximum QSO Rates per band, mode or operator with parameter for the sample duration from 5 minutes to 60 minutes
* Note that the informations you can display depend on the data available in your logfile. ADIF logs containing more details than Cabrillo.

Several individuals and clubs have also asked if it was possible to buy and download the software and run them on their own computer. The structure of the application does not allow this today. However, some suggested I run a private server for their closed users group and that is possible. The cost for such service can start at 250USD per year for a virtual private server guaranteeing enough processor and memory resource for a little more than 100 users.
That said, my own opinion is that the "free" server will be enough for most of our needs but if you want to have a guaranteed availability for your club members, a private server may be the answer.

73 es GL,
Yan - XV4Y.
Yannick DEVOS - XV4Y

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