[CQ-Contest] Evolving scoring systems

K1AR at aol.com K1AR at aol.com
Sun Dec 1 18:19:22 EST 2013

Good evening all,
As I type and note that we have received 15,578 logs in the CQWW contest (a 
 new record!), I have to ask the question: What problem are we trying to 
solve  with changed scoring systems? It seems to me that the *real* problem is 
that the  average age of a given contest operator submitting these logs is  
approaching 100 y.o. (round numbers) and not a need to create  new methods 
of calculating scores. 
BTW, new contests with creative scoring methods is very cool. The Stew  
Perry is a great example of that.
Just another point-of-view...
73, John, K1AR
In a message dated 12/1/2013 6:12:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
markzl3ab at gmail.com writes:

Since we  are talking scoring systems and technology (albeit in  different

I grew up with video games from their early  days (man I feel old).  These
started out as arcade shoot'em up style  games with points per alien shot
and bonus points for shooting mother ships  or the like, (sound familiar?).
However with the advent of PC gaming  strategy games appeared whereby you
got points not only for killing aliens  but bonus points for finding hidden
passages or bigger weapons ("Doom" is a  great example).  This soon morphed
into games like "Civilisation" (or  nowadays "Minecraft") where you built
communities and had make decisions  around what technologies you developed
and alliances you built.   Mission based games also appeared meaning you
take the role of a character  with certain strengths and weaknesses and you
try and complete a mission,  picking up new abilities along the way.  Points
are given not only for  finishing the mission but also the manner in how you
do it e.g. finding  gold or not killing innocent people along the way
(Google "Assassin's  Creed" if you want an example, my son loves it).

The point of all  this?  Contesting is still in the arcade phase.  Scoring
systems  certainly in major contests, are basically all the same i.e. qso
points and  multipliers (with a few exceptions like QTC points and the Stew
Perry  distance scoring).  Tactically therefore little changes from  contest
to contest just the stations you have to work to achieve it.   I accept that
once upon a time keeping it simple was a necessity but with  technology now
this has changed but it hasn't been embraced in a scoring  sense unlike in a
station spotting sense.

I think it is time for  contesting scoring systems to evolve so that it is
more than simple arcade  style scoring is available.  I am not advocating
more contests by the  way, heaven knows there are more than enough already,
but it maybe a chance  for existing organisers to think outside the square
to rejuvenate their  contest if it needs it and at the same time maybe
attract a new breed of  contester to have a go.

Really the possibilities are only limited by  your imagination.  One simple
example may be to award bonus points for  working a certain number of
stations during the contest like 250 then 500  then 1000 etc (which would
keep people operating), or for working a  station(s) in your "black hole"
e.g. JA from W1 so emphasising radio  skills.  The trick though (like it is
for computer gaming and which  developers sweat over) is to make it
reasonably achievable for all  participants all the while keeping it
challenging as the contest  progresses.

By the way some entry categories based on a combination of  power and
aluminum in the air wouldn't hurt either.

Mark  ZL3AB
CQ-Contest mailing  list
CQ-Contest at contesting.com

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