[CQ-Contest] Increasing contest participation

Steve Lott lottsphoto at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 12:11:45 EST 2013

Jim on the surface (first glance) this may seem like an easy answer

However if the sponsors uploaded in bulk to the LOTW server there would be
many crashes of the LOTW site
the band width would be extraordinary

*The responsibility of a QSL is still the station operator, not a third

I think we see plenty of increased activity in several of the bigger contest
like CQWW and ARRL SS as well as Sweepstakes




On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 8:17 AM, James Cain <jamesdavidcain at gmail.com> wrote:

> Want to increase contest interest and participation? Wrap ARRL's Logbook
> of the World into all major contests. Let the contest sponsor automatically
> load all submitted contest entries into LotW.
> CQ, and all the other major contest sponsors other than ARRL, would have
> to cooperate. Why wouldn't they? Contest entrants could be allowed to opt
> out, but why would they? ARRL's requirements for LotW registration are fine
> and I agree with them, but surely a submitted contest log would be adequate
> proof that the log and QSOs are legitimate. After all, it's only a hobby.
> Then, maybe allow LotW confirmed QSOs for more awards: WAZ, USA-CA, etc.
> Paper QSLs are so 20th Century and too much expense and bother. We did
> away with paper logs more than 20 years ago. Isn't it time we did the same
> with paper QSLs?
> Jim Cain, K1TN
> (50,000 contest QSOs uploaded to LotW since 2005)
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