[CQ-Contest] Dr. DX

Jim N7US jim at n7us.net
Tue Dec 17 15:59:40 EST 2013

I believe the original programmer and prototype builder was N6IA, who is
listed in qrz.com.

73, Jim N7US

-----Original Message-----

AEA sold it.  Not sure who made it. They did not stick around very long.

Mike W0MU

On 12/17/2013 9:52 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
> Since there seems to be quite some interest in (at least from a nostalgia
standpoint) in Dr. DX... out of idle curiousity...
> Who wrote the software?  Are they still around?  Did anyone ever approach
them (then or since) about an update?
> 73, ron w3wn

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