[CQ-Contest] The Stew Perry Challenge Starts Soon

Lew Sayre w7ew at arrl.net
Fri Dec 27 12:57:17 EST 2013

Greetings to The Long Hertzian Wavers,
     In a few short hours the starting gong will be struck at the Club
station of The
Boring Amateur Radio Club indicating the start of the 18th Running of The
Perry TopBand DX Challenge. All you need to know about this fine celebration
of CW contesting on TopBand is inscribed here.
     Listed below are thoughtful contesters who have originated certain
categories of
competition to fan the flames of this unique contest. If you are struck
smart by a category
that needs to be included here, it is not too late to notify me and it can
be included in the final
determinations. These plaque sponsors are special and need to be told so
whenever you
meet them personally or through the RF. Thank them profusely.

KL7RA          Top # of QSOs
KL7RA          Top Score, S/O, North America
W2GD Team  Top # NA+SA QSOs by EU Station
TF4M            Longest Distance QSO- 2 plaques
TF4M            Top Score Mobile (has to be actually able to move)
N0TT             Top Score <21 years old, >200 QSOs
N5IA              Most Grids Worked
N5IA             Highest Score Daytime operation only
KH6LC           VK-ZL Challenge, Top Score VK-ZL
K5WA           Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Americas
K5WA           Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Europe
NA0Y            Top Score USA
TF3KX           Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60 deg N
                     geomagnetic latitude
CE1/K7CA      Top Score Southern Hemisphere
CE1/K7CA      Top Score Japan
K1EP             Top Score by First Time Entrant
K2PO             Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
K6ND             K6SE Memorial- Top Score World
W7RH            Top Score, Low Power, Asia
K7FL              Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
W0RI              Top Score, S/O, Zone 4
AA6VB           Top Score, base loaded Vert <60' tall
AA6VB           Top Score Big City >50K,little pistol<100W
WA2DFI          Top Score VE
KR2Q              Golden Log- Top # of Qs without a bust
K1LT               Top Score from QSOs with low power & QRP
W5GN             Closest Score to Overall Average of Entrants
VK6VZ             VK6HD Memorial-Top Score by N. hemisphere
                 working S. hemisphere. Winner gets Flying Doctors
                 of VK baseball hat.

     Now would be a good time to take a good look at your 160M antennas. No
if they are tubular aluminum, wires, rain gutters or that abandoned 1947
DeSoto in
the neighbor's back yard. The weather has decimated certain parts of the
world and
we understand that certain 160M stalwarts might not be heard with their
usual vigor, if
at all due to structural irregularities that have developed in their
     The Boring Amateur Radio Club would like to thank the 160M community
Contesters and DXers in general for the continued support and participation
for The
Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge. Everybody should try and have a good time
this unique contest.
    73 and I remain,
   Lew   w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Raconteurism
w7ew at arrl.net

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