[CQ-Contest] The Video

Joe nss at mwt.net
Fri Feb 1 09:28:38 EST 2013

The video

I have been contesting for 38 years now. I started off with separate 
rigs, crystal controlled, and a big ol'e knife switch to go between 
transmit and receive.

I was amazed when I got a foot operated Dow key to go between Transmit 
and receive.

Then when I got a actual "Transceiver" a Drake TR-4 I was in Heaven.

Next was a hallicrafters TO- Keyer, Till then it was all straight key.  
Wow this modern technology is incredible!

Next was a MFJ Grand master keyer! Wow! I press a button to send stuff! OMG!

Next is my first computer logging, till then it was allpaper nd pencils 
for logging and duping. Ya get the feeling pretty soon this contesting 
will be automatic start it up and come back when it's over and see how 
ya did.

Anyway I am extremely green as to SO2R  I understand it is Single 
operator and 2 receivers,

But like in that video, someone can yo please exactly explain to me what 
is happening?
don't bother telling me whats with the phone. that is a whole different 

But qso to qso whats happening.

The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme

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