[CQ-Contest] The Video

Timothy Coker n6win73 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 16:23:12 EST 2013

Mark is pretty spot on. He is of course using a hardware interlock as Danny
does not play outside of the rules. As for the headphone switching, I have
setup two Dunestar audio switching boxes so that when SO2R you can choose
L/R/Both or Mixed. When Multi-Single each op can hear their own audio or
both radios or a mix of both. Danny chooses to listen to both sides of the
audio evenly most of the time. I go nuts at my skill level doing this, but
he isn't the average guy.

The audio was being re-broadcast through a wireless radio transmitter to a
mono-speaker setup below my tablet that I was playing with. It was a real
Kodak moment that I thought others would get a kick out of, hence no real
elaborate video or stereo audio.


Tim / N6WIN.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Mark Beckwith <r-emails at n5ot.com> wrote:

> But like in that video, someone can you please exactly explain to me what
>> is happening?
> Pretty mind-blowing, eh?
> For starters, SO2R is not ... two receivers, but rather two radios, and in
> this case two transceivers.  If that helps you understand - he's on two
> different bands, running two different pileups simultaneously. The only
> requirement in the rules is there can be only one transmitted signal at a
> time.  He obviously has the two transceivers configured so that only one of
> them can transmit at a time.
> There are a lot of different ways to do SO2R.  This is one of them. Most
> ops who do it use a single computer and keyboard, but some use two.  Most
> ops don't run pileups on two bands at the same time - most ops run a solid
> pileup on one band, and pick off other satations calling CQ on another band
> siumulatneously.
> Important to note that the home video is picking up aambient sound from
> the radio room, but the op has on headphones and probably there is some
> fancy switching going on, sending different radio audio to different ears
> at different times, to help the op automatically understand better which
> station he's working, and on which band controlled by which computer.
> Even for a totally casual person with a bunch of radio equipment sitting
> around, this sort of thing makes Sunday afternoon of the Sweepstakes into a
> whole new, and really fun, world.
> Does that help?
> 73 - Mark, N5OT
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