[CQ-Contest] Sunday afternoon boredom is the wet blanket on SS (was Rules off the table ?)

Richard F DiDonna NN3W richnn3w at verizon.net
Tue Feb 5 23:52:25 EST 2013

On 2/5/2013 9:57 PM, Radio K0HB wrote:
> SS is a contest where the small "tribander and wires" station has a chance
> to win.  If that bores you, watch a football game or pick apples.
Ya know, I think much of the issue on Sweeps is the fact that people 
don't recognize what their stations can do or what -they- as operators 
can do.

K6QK described it as a "killer instinct" in contesters - some have it 
and some don't.

My opinion is that 90% of U.S. domestic (and Canadian) stations can RUN 
in contests like NAQP and Sweepstakes - at least on one or more bands.  
They simply chose not to - either because they fear pileups, spook too 
easily, or don't think that they have the signal to run. Some running 
and some S&P will make your life a hell of a lot more fun on Sunday.

To give you an example, WA3OFC won the low power category for the 
Roanoke division in this past year's Sweepstakes (the heart of PVRC 
land).  Frank did so with a tribander and wires on a suburban lot smack 
in the middle of Vienna, VA.  If Frank can do it, others can too.

73 Rich NN3W

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