[CQ-Contest] SS tempest in an out-of-state teapot

Guy Olinger K2AV olinger at bellsouth.net
Fri Feb 8 18:21:22 EST 2013

While it has been enlightening and to a degree entertaining to hear the
discourse and various "takes" on changes related to SS Sunday afternoons, I
hope that everyone understands that none of this discussion has taken place
where it counts.

While some reflectors are often read by those in a position to actually
change things on an issue (e.g. Elecraft reflector), the CQ-Contest context
is essentially missing the ARRL players needed for change.   So what we
have is a "contained" discussion in a medium well away from those who can
actually act on the subject in question.

The members of the ARRL Contest Advisory Committee, plus a fuzzily-defined
mix of ARRL directors and HQ personnel, are required to change rules.  One
must lobby all of these to get anything done.  They MAY (or not) dig up
reflector posts for some confirmation once lobbying has elevated SS Sunday
afternoons as a possible subject for action, but they are not daily
trolling the reflectors looking for clues on stuff to change.

Posting on CQ-Contest reflector is easy, but it's guaranteed ineffective if
hoping to actually affect change in the SS.  We will need old-fashioned
snail mail, and phone calls, and knowing all the right names and call
signs, plus all the textual discipline and diplomatic skills of "lobbying"
to engage those right names and call signs, to actually make anything
happen on our locally-posted-ideas, assuming that they agree.

73, Guy.

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