[CQ-Contest] ARRL Cheating in ARRL using the cluster

RT Clay rt_clay at bellsouth.net
Tue Feb 19 10:31:43 EST 2013

>On a secondary note, what causes there to be a huge number of EK3LR spots from 
>all over the world and not a single EK5GO?  I sure would hate to be in Armenia 
>and have been assigned EK3LR.  Yikes.
>Stan, K5GO

Just for fun, try a search for "EK*" on reversebeacon and see what you get...

One way this might happen is if you send your call twice and your call ends in a 

dit (like K3LR). The final dit of the call could be interpreted as a separate E. 
This is worse
if you use the "shortened inter-word spacing" setting for CW generation. I would 

inserting an extra half-space between sending your call twice if it ends in a 

But random impulse noise could also generate a dit sometimes- that is harder to 


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