[CQ-Contest] ssb skimmer... oh no!

Charles Harpole hs0zcw at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 19:16:41 EST 2013

I do not normally pray ...because the line is dead... but I do pray that a
voice skimmer is never invented.  I am sure it will be and dread that day,
but enguneers march on ... needed or not.

I appreciate the mass of spots about the CW skimming elaborate madness of
being accurate and inclusive or filtered, or massaged into tenderness.  I
mourn the loss of pleasure of radio days long gone for so many.  So far,
however, old stick in mud like me CAN tune around, find a station, copy him
by ear and brain... and then fight with the point and click boys to work

Thanks for the laughs about .001 % of .20.016 x 2 percent stuff.  You
techies are a "scream"... meant in both ways.

Charly, HS0ZCW

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