[CQ-Contest] CQ 160m SSB Contest

Roger Parsons ve3zi at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 28 07:03:28 EST 2013

Albert, F5VHJ wrote:

"The ARRL band plane indicates SSB OPERATION starting on 1843 MHz. This 
is not new.
There are two  major phone 160 contests a year, ARRL and CQ,  3.8 % of 
all weekends.
You are proposing all SSB operating between 1843-1850 MHz. Sure."

IF you had taken a few moments to actually read my post before rushing off a flaming non sequitur, you might have understood that I did not propose that at all. 

I proposed that SSB contest activity should use all frequencies above 1820kHz.

I see no virtue in repeating the rest of my post, but possibly you could read it, and perhaps you might  then like to make an informed comment.

73 Roger

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