[CQ-Contest] Big Gun hogging two frequencies (K3KU complaint)
k3mm at verizon.net
k3mm at verizon.net
Mon Jan 14 18:12:20 EST 2013
Not necessarily correct. You are allowed to "interlace" QSO's, which is not uncommon among the top operators. I can be listening on one radio while transmitting on the other. I might be listening for an exchange or a CQ answer on one radio while sending CQ or an exchange on the other. Not that difficult in NAQP where the exchanges are short and somewhat predictable. You arent allowed to TX on more than one frequency at a time. No rule against making more than one QSO at a time.
If you are trolling for a freq, you cant assume that you are going to hear everyone on the frequency. Most of the responses have it right. I'll usually listen for a few seconds and send either a ? or a very short CQ. If no one responds within about 5 -10 seconds, it's yours. If someone comes on my freq and I'm in mid QSO, I'll sometimes do a AS or R if I'm going to need a repeat anyway. Otherwise I might let it go until I'm done receiving, but that's always a little risky, especially if they are very loud or acting aggressively. I'd never leave it be for more than about 5 seconds or you could spend a lot more time trying to keep the frequency.
On the occasion where I'm working someone on my second radio and it drags out or have to focus my RX audio on a weak one, if I come back 15 seconds later and someone has fired up on the frequency, I'll usually just go find another.
On 01/14/13, W0MU Mike Fatchett<w0mu at w0mu.com> wrote:
Either the Frequency is being used or it isn't. If you are off making a
2nd radio contact aren't you effectively giving up the other freq? If
you say no than you are operating on two freqs at the same
time....Right????? DQ time right??
This is a slippery slope.
There is no hold period where you get to use the bathroom or scan for
mults. If you are not actively using the freq and someone comes along
and does you need to move. End of story. You have no dibs, rights or
Mike W0MU
On 1/14/2013 1:47 PM, Alan Dewey wrote:
> I
> lways ask twice if a frequency is open, and it does not take more than
> en seconds to do that.
> I think this is the key. I am suprised the number of guys who hear a clear frequency and just jump in and call CQ without asking if the frequency is QRL? It could be the guy is on the second radio but it could also be that he is trying to pull out the exchange from a QRP station that you do not hear.
> On the other hand, if a guy is tied up on the second radio and a guy QRLs his CQ freq., he better respond quickly or he just lost his CQ frequency as he should.
> 73,
> Al, K0AD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Gilbert <xdavid at cis-broadband.com>
> To: cq-contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 1:58 pm
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Big Gun hogging two frequencies (K3KU complaint)
> have to disagree there. Ten seconds in a major contest is plenty long
> nough to check for an available frequency. I can pretty much guarantee
> hat if I wait longer than that somebody will grab it before I do. I
> lways ask twice if a frequency is open, and it does not take more than
> en seconds to do that. Try it yourself while watching the clock.
> However, if I start calling CQ and somebody jumps back in that clearly
> ad the frequency before me, I move.
> 73,
> ave AB7E
> On 1/14/2013 11:51 AM, steve.root at culligan4water.com wrote:
> n the other hand, 10 seconds is no where near long enough to determine if a
> requency is in use. I might not be on the second radio, I might be copying a
> uy that you can't hear that's sending an exchange to me at 15 WPM. His exchange
> ould easily take more than 10 seconds.
> 73 Steve K0SR
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