[CQ-Contest] Big Gun hogging two frequencies (K3KU complaint)

Doug Renwick ve5ra at sasktel.net
Mon Jan 14 22:18:57 EST 2013

You can't be serious?  If I am looking for a spot to call CQ and I come
along and find a 'quite' frequency, I listen for 5-10 seconds, then send ?
or QRL, and no one responds, then it is my frequency for as long as I can
hold it.  If you were on that frequency earlier and decided to 'abandon' it
(SO2R, food break, toilet break, etc.), I may have no idea that you were
there in the first place.  So how can that be your frequency?  No frequency
is mine, mine unless you can hold it.
But ethically speaking, if I go through the process I just described, and
you don't respond, then you have given up that frequency.


"Think of all the ways you can hurt yourself laughing."

-----Original Message-----

If the frequency is mine, it's mine, regardless of some other guys might 
think. I could care less of what they might think of SO2R.

If they try to steel it from me, then ... I don't call 911.


Yuri  VE3DZ

> If a frequency is 'quite' for 5 - 10 seconds, I consider it abandoned.  I
> could care less if you are operating SO2R.
> Doug

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