[CQ-Contest] 2013 MN QSO Party activity

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Tue Jan 29 02:26:49 EST 2013

Check out the Minnesota Wireless Association website 
http://www.w0aa.org/index.php/mn-qso-party-7 and select the "Activity 
Map" in the menu at the left. There are 14 mobile stations signed up and 
ready to go. Using the activity page you can draw their routes and 
follow their progress as the 10-hour event unfolds this coming Saturday.

For those who like a "hard copy" I have created a "Table of Activity" 
that you can download from my Drop Box site, here:


This Excel workbook allows you to sort the MN activity by county, call 
signs, and chronological 'order of activation'. In addition, one sort 
option lists the critical counties, which call sign to look for, and at 
what time. If you're shooting for an 87 county sweep, this will be helpful.

These schedules are pretty firm, but you might want to check again 
Friday evening for the latest update.

In addition, while you are on the MWA website, download a copy of the 
free *Mult Chaser* add-on for the N1MM Logger program. The link is on 
this page: http://www.w0aa.org/index.php/resources Mult Chaser is a 
standalone graphical program that will highlight the MN counties as you 
log them! Created and offered by MWA member Pat  - NAØN.

I hope to have you in my log this weekend. I will be operating both CW 
and Phone for all 10 hours.

73 de Bob - KØRC in CHS [MN]


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