[CQ-Contest] Fw: Re: Non-Assisted vs. Assisted

Wayne Kline w3ea at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 30 20:21:58 EST 2013

My .02   Living in the Shadow of the Frankford Radio Club, and being accustomed to the 2 meter Dx announcement system in place in the 70's and then the Packet Cluster ( Had a 2 meter and 450 MHZ pacclus At W3EA ) We also had a automated  female voice announcing DX  over 2 meter FM derived from packet spots.    So it did not take a  Sherlock Holmes to figure  out the station monitoring Packet or 2 Meter FM  by showing up in the Packet Pile up's.  Today in age with RBN  and world wide telnet  Cw Skimmer and SDR radios  with pan adaptors and  24" Monitors able to visually scan the entire band at one glance, have put tools  for both the SO and the SOA  creating  a  difficult task  to  observe a pattern of cheating.  Cheating. you could write a  book  and  or have at least a full week of Dr. Phil's Shows dedicated to there low self esteem excuses.  But IMHO  the SO  - HP  LP or  QRP should not be diluted by by lifting the assisted category.   There  is the  embrace technology  crowd and  there is the  Purest  who see Single Operator as  the  Man ( or women) against the  spectrum .     So it becomes a simple  solution with the addition of assisted a category.    Wayne W3EA    		 	   		  

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