[CQ-Contest] International HF Cup of Black Sea 2012
gud elips
uv5eoz at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 08:31:18 EST 2013
*Rules of contest*
BSCC (Black Sea Contest Club)*
International HF Cup of Black Sea is carried out by BSCC (Black Sea Contest
The aim of the competition is to make as many contacts with hams around the
world as possible, especially with the radio stations from Black Sea region
countries, members of BSCC, BSCC Headquarters' station, radio clubs and the
headquarters of the national amateur radio organizations - members of the
IARU (HQ-stations).
*From *:02 February 2013 y. 12:00 UTC*To*:03 February 2013 y. 11:59 UTC
*Eligibility: *All licensed amateur radio operators worldwide
*Objective: *To promote Black Sea HAM radio spirit by contacting as many
HAMs as possible all over the World using all HF bands (excluding WARC)
*Date and Contest Period: *The first full weekend of February, beginning
1200 UTC Saturday and ending 1200 UTC Sunday (February 02-03, 2013)
The general separate classes of Entries:
· Black Sea Countries (see Appendix 1)
· HQ stations (national organizations - IARU members and HQ of clubs)
· Worldwide
· Black Sea Contest Club members
*1. Single Operator categories:*
- SSB HP (exceeding 100 W);
- CW HP (exceeding 100 W);
- Mixed mode HP (exceeding 100 W);
- SSB LP (up to 100 W);
- CW LP (up to 100 W);
- Mixed mode LP (up to 100 W);
- Mixed mode SB 160m (any power);
- Mixed mode SB 80m (any power);
- Mixed mode SB 40m (any power);
- Mixed mode SB 20m (any power);
- Mixed mode SB 15m (any power);
- Mixed mode SB 10m (any power);
- Mixed mode QRP (up to 5 W). Use YourCall/QRP for this entry. This
category will be created in case if there will be more than 10
contester-logs submitted. Otherwise all participants will be put into Mixed
mode LP.
All duties (operation and logging) must be performed by a single person..
There are no restrictions for choosing software for logging. Usage of
packet and cluster is allowed. It's mandatory to follow Terms and
Limitations of participant's national Amateur radio license. Only one
transmitting signal is allowed at any given time.
*2. **Multi Operators, one transmitter, mixed mode (MS)*
Station must remain on same band/mode for at least 10 minutes before change
to another one. Only one signal is allowed at any given time. All
contesters must follow the amateur radio regulations of their country at
all times. Violation of this rule will lead to re-classification of the
station as CheckLog category.
*3. HQ-stations.
*There are two types of HQ-stations in this Contest:
· HQ-Stations of national organizations
· HQ-Stations of Clubs
HQ-stations must have only one transmitted signal per band/mode (160 CW,
160 Phone, 80 CW, 80 Phone, etc) at any time. All stations involved in HQ
operation must be located in the same ITU zone. Only one HQ station signal
is allowed at any given time. All contesters must follow the amateur radio
regulations of their country at all times.
*4. SWL.
*SWL contesters may use all HF bands (excluding WARC). This Category will
be created if there are more than 10 SWL-contester-logs submitted.
HQ-stations send RS (T) and abbreviation of the radio club, for example
- 59 (9) UCC for Ukrainian Contest Club, 59 (9) AGB for Activity Group of
Belarus or the abbreviation of its national organization - IARU member, for
example - 59 (9) UARL the Headquarters of the Ukrainian Amateur Radio
League, 59 (9) BSCC - for BSCC Headquarters. Participants from Black Sea
Region countries transmit RS (T) and number of ITU zone. BSCC members
transmit RS (T), BS (Black Sea) and membership number, for example: 59
(9)BS17 for a BSCC member with membership number 17.
Other participants send RS (T) and number of their ITU zone. For each
valid QSO report must include control numbers in full.
With any participants only one QSO can be made on each band and each mode.
Only contacts made in proper band segments/modes are valid. On each band
Phone QSO made in phone band segment and CW QSO made in CW band segment are
valid.. Cross-mode, cross-band QSO, as well as communication through the
repeaters are not valid. Participants must comply with regional frequency
plan and stay in recommended for contests band segments.
Use of non-amateur radio means of communication (for example: telephone
or Internet) to facilitate the QSO is contrary to the spirit and rules of
the Contest.
*Recommended Contest call * - "CQ Black Sea Cup" in phone or "CQ BS" in CW.
*.:: POINTS ::.*
· QSOs with your ITU-zone (including HQ-stations) - 1 point
· QSOs with other ITU-zones within your continent - 3 points.
· QSOs with ITU-zones outside your continent - 5 points.
· QSO with Black Sea Region Countries and Members of BSCC - 10 points
*.:: MULTIPLIERS (the summary of) ::.*
· ITU-zones,
· HQ-stations,
· Black Sea area countries,
· BSCC-members
On each band (no difference which mode)
*Exception:* HQ-stations, BSCC-members cannot be additionally used for ITU
zone Multiplier.
Total score of the Contest: the total number of QSO points multiplied by
the total number of multipliers worked.
*.:: TROPHY ::.*
The Trophies will be awarded to the absolute Winners in each Entry and HQ.
A certificate will be awarded to the high scoring entry in each category in
each DXCC country.
Additional awards may be made at the discretion of each country's IARU
member society, amateur radio clubs and private persons.
*List of major awards (plaques)*
SSB HP (exceeding 100 W)
CW HP (exceeding 100 W)
Mixed mode HP (exceeding 100 W)
SSB LP (up to 100 W)
CW LP (up to 100 W)
Mixed mode LP (up to 100 W)
Mixed mode QRP (up to 5 W)
Multi Operators, one transmitter, mixed mode (MS)
*<<Black Sea Countries>>*
SSB HP (exceeding 100 W)
CW HP (exceeding 100 W)
Mixed mode HP (exceeding 100 W)
SSB LP (up to 100 W)
CW LP (up to 100 W)
Mixed mode LP (up to 100 W)
Mixed mode QRP (up to 5 W)
Multi Operators, one transmitter, mixed mode (MS)
*<<Black Sea Contest Club members>>*
SSB HP (exceeding 100 W)
CW HP (exceeding 100 W)
Mixed mode HP (exceeding 100 W)
SSB LP (up to 100 W)
CW LP (up to 100 W)
Mixed mode LP (up to 100 W)
Mixed mode QRP (up to 5 W)
Multi Operators, one transmitter, mixed mode (MS)
*4.<<HQ stations**>>** national organizations - IARU members and HQ of
clubs *
*.:: LOGS ::.*
The Logs must be postmarked or emailed no later than 30 days after the
end of the contest. The Paper-logs submitted after 12 days after the end of
the contest will not be classified in official results. Electronic logs
must be in Cabrillo file format and submitted as e-mail Appendix or on 3.5"
diskette. Electronic files must use the participant's callsign as the file
name. Email entries must include the callsign used during the contest in
the SUBJECT line of the email.
Paper-logs must be in chronological order (please no separation by band
or mode) and contain of band, mode, date, time-UTC, callsign, numbers-send
and number-receive, multipliers and points for each QSO. Multipliers should
be marked in the paper log only the first time they worked on each band.
Paper logs with more than 500 QSO's must include dupes-sheets (an
alpha-numeric list of all callsigns worked, broken down by band and mode.)
All paper entries must include an official summary sheet or reasonable
facsimile thereof with complete contest information
CABRILLO (For example):
CREATED-BY: TR4W v.4.191
CONTEST: Black Sea Cup International
NAME: Alex Ilyin
ADDRESS: Bratsk city
ADDRESS: Gagarina 95-143, 665724 Russia
ADDRESS: Irkutsk region
EMAIL: 2bratsk at mail.ru
QSO: 21011 CW 2010-02-07 0529 UA0SW 599 32 JA2CUS 599 45
QSO: 21017 CW 2010-02-07 0533 UA0SW 599 32 UA4CCG 599 29
QSO: 21019 CW 2010-02-07 0535 UA0SW 599 32 UA0FGJ 599 34
QSO: 21020 CW 2010-02-07 0536 UA0SW 599 32 UA9CGL 599 BS349
QSO: 21014 CW 2010-02-07 0538 UA0SW 599 32 UN9GD 599 31
QSO: 21016 CW 2010-02-07 0539 UA0SW 599 32 UT7MA 599 29
QSO: 21014 CW 2010-02-07 0541 UA0SW 599 32 RX9AM 599 30
QSO: 21019 CW 2010-02-07 0543 UA0SW 599 32 RV9LM 599 BS387
QSO: 21013 CW 2010-02-07 0553 UA0SW 599 32 RM9RZ 599 30
QSO: 21015 CW 2010-02-07 0553 UA0SW 599 32 RG9A 599 30
QSO: 21020 CW 2010-02-07 0558 UA0SW 599 32 RV9AZ 599 BS123
QSO: 21020 CW 2010-02-07 0559 UA0SW 599 32 RA3EG 599 29
QSO: 21014 CW 2010-02-07 0652 UA0SW 599 32 UX2X 599 BS156
QSO: 21199 PH 2010-02-07 0709 UA0SW 59 32 RK3QWM 59 AC
*.:: ADDRESS for LOGS ::.*
*Paper logs and entries on diskette must be mailed to:*
Box 4, KERCH 98319, UKRAINE
*Entries sent as attachment to email must be sent to:*
E-mail: *bs_cup**[at]**ukr**[dot]**net
* *Send via Log submission service (TNX
* *
*You can follow any responses use the mail form to send the log:
* E-mail *: Subject: Call *: Name *: Post adreress *: Region categories *:
Operator categories *:
Message text: Attach the log: Security code *:
* *.:: DATELINE for LOGS ::.*30 days after the Contest (postmarked or
emailed no later than 30 days after the end of the contest) *.:: APPENDIX 1
*List of **Black Sea** Countries and BSCC-prefixes**
*(the list includes countries owing Black Sea rivers)
Austria, OE
Albania, ZA
Belarus, EU
Bulgaria, LZ
Bosnia and Herzegovina, E7
Hungary, HA
Germany, DL
Georgia, 4L
Italy, I
Macedonia, Z3
Moldova, ER
Poland, SP
Russia (European part), RA
Romania, YO
Slovakia, OM
Slovenia, S5
Turkey, TA
Ukraine, UR
Croatia, 9A
Montenegro, 4O
Czech, OK
Switzerland, HB
Serbia, YU
The contester who does not obeys Contest rules and/or Rules and
Reglementation of your country can be disqualified by Contest Committee
during 90 days after the Contest
*.:: SOFTWARE FOR WORK CONTEST ::.* *.:: Configuration files ::.*
*N1MM Logger - official site <http://www.n1mm.com/>*(Download N1MM Base
Install: N1MM-FullInstaller.exe<http://n1mm.hamdocs.com/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=94>
)* *
*TR4W by Dmitriy Gulyaev, UA4WLI. - official site <http://www.tr4w.com>*
*Select Language ID`s * and download TR4W*
- English
292.07 кб
271.85 кб
267.48 кб
267.41 кб
908.31 кб
272.26 кб
254.52 кб
*Initial Exchange files <http://www.tr4w.com/initialex/black_sea_cup.zip>for
Black Sea Cup International (2.14 кб) by UR7QM
*5Mcontest by UT7MA - official site <http://5mcontest.qrz.ru/>*(Download
5Mcontest: http://5mcontest.qrz.ru/5MContest_FULL_Setup.exe)* *
*AATest v1.81 - official site <http://www.dxsoft.com/>*A special edition of
AALog, optimized for the use in a lot of different contests. Platform:
Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP
(Download AATest: * **here* <http://bscc.ucoz.ru/load/0-0-1-68-20>)* *
*SD by EI5DI - official site <http://www.ei5di.com/>*SD sets the standard
for fast, simple logging and editing in the major international contests
and in dozens of others worldwide. It is intended for single-op unassisted
entries, on both SSB and CW. It runs on Windows, from Windows 95 to Windows
7, on Linux/Wine, and on Apple Mac with either Bootcamp or Parallels -
using a character-based user interface.
(Download SD: http://www.ei5di.com/sd/sdsetup.exe)* *
*SP7DQR SWL Contest Software (SWL_DQR_Log) - official
*SP7DQR, Marek Niedzielski, created a program specialized for use by SWL's
in contesting. The program offers the possibilty to change the settings of
the input parameters. Due to that feature the program can be used in at
least 90% of the international contests having a SWL section. Latest
version: 1.2.0 , now with dupe check.
(Download SWL_DQR_Log: http://bscc.ucoz.ru/load/0-0-0-72-20)* *
*MixW - official site <http://www.mixw.net/>*StatsBSCI.zip for MixW TNX
(Download MixW: http://bscc.ucoz.ru/load/0-0-0-45-20)
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