[CQ-Contest] IARU HQ-stations - multiplier list to Win-Test

contest at oz0j.dk contest at oz0j.dk
Tue Jul 9 16:03:50 EDT 2013

Hi all

I have updated the Excel file with the HQ-stations that should be active
in 2013. The file can be found at

I miss details from DL, SM and LA. Are they not QRV this year?

The list has been checked to http://www.dailydx.com/iaru-13.htm

HK3LR, JA1CJP and LY0HQ are not on http://www.dailydx.com/iaru-13.htm but
they have confirmed their participation this year. I have informed Bernie
at Daily Dx.

I will try to make a file to N1MM Thursday evening when I set up the log @

Please drop me an e-mail, if any HQ stations (or R1, R2 or R3 stations)
are missing in the list.

Have a nice contest.

Best 73

Joe, OZ0J / 5Q2T

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