[CQ-Contest] Error free RBN

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 19:51:02 EDT 2013

On 07/17/2013 02:37 PM, Jack Haverty. wrote:
> Me too - another casual contester.
> A simple enhancement of the logging program(s) you use might help a lot
> with those serious operators' problem.  Suppose you could have a command to
> tell your logger "treat this call as if I worked it", so it would never
> appear again as a spot on your screen.
> In N1MM, for example, there is a "remove selected spot" menu item now to
> get rid of a spot on the bandmap.  A similar item "Remove selected spot and
> never consider that callsign again" would stop the "over and over and over
> again" problem.
> The loggers could even have a file, similar to the ones we use today as a
> "whitelist" of known contest calls, but containing a "blacklist" of known
> bad calls.  The loggers would simply read such a file and then ignore any
> spots for those calls.

Already an existing feature in N1MM Logger.

Steve, N2IC

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