[CQ-Contest] : Reverse beacon of my own call?

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Thu Jul 25 13:44:08 EDT 2013

Not to mention loggers that autoload the exchange, loggers that SEND the 
exchange for you (I've operated entire CQWW contests without once 
touching the paddle), Super Check Partial that fills out the rest of the 
callsign for you, and the use of "Call History Files" generated by 
somebody other than yourself ... ALL of which constitute "any" type 
assistance for directly completing the QSO. If Bob wants to rely on "any 
type of assistance" as his definitive authority he has a lot of 
explaining to do.

Not so simple, eh?

The references to callsign identification and frequency determination 
are at least generally clear enough.  The problem is that they falsely 
attribute those forms of assistance to CW Skimmer and the RBN *in 
general*.  It's sloppy and shows a lack of understanding of those 
systems since both can easily be configured to specifically adhere to 
the intent of the rule ... i.e., no callsign identification or frequency 
information whatsoever.  For an extreme analogy, I can legally use my 
computer to log my contacts and control my rig, but I can also illegally 
use it to capture cluster spots and share spotting information with 
others via Skype. Does that make it appropriate to ban the use of 
computers?  For another, I can easily tune my amplifier to put out 2300 
watts, but I don't.   Should my particular amplifier (an HF-2500DX) be 
banned simply cause it *could* be used inappropriately?

As I said before, the rule has good intent but is poorly written, and I 
will remain comfortable with adhering to the intent of it rather than 
the unfortunate extrapolations of its poor construction.  If anyone 
wants to disqualify me for that, they know my callsign.

Dave   AB7E

On 7/25/2013 9:07 AM, Jim Forsyth wrote:
> On 7/25/2013 5:04 AM, Bob Naumann wrote:
>  >As I quoted earlier, (paraphrased now to avoid being redundant) 
> single ops
> >are precluded from using "any" type of assistance. (Simple, eh?)
> Yes, that's certainly simple. I've been getting assistance from my 
> computer sending CW for me. Clearly that is not allowed. I also have 
> an electronic keyer which assists me by creating dots and dashes and 
> spaces. I understand now that it would be wrong to use that.
> I'm afraid your interpretation is dependent on presumptions that have 
> no basis in the specific wording of the rules in question.
> Jim, AF6O
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