[CQ-Contest] Golden Goose redux...

Ray Fallen ray.fallen at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 08:19:36 EDT 2013

Well, now...let's see.

I have a logging program that:

- controls the radio or radios ... mode, frequency and filters
- sends CW much better than I'll ever be able to
- keys the voice keyer in my rig
- selects the appropriate band/antenna combination so I don't blow up the
- coaches me when an entered call may not be valid
- points and turns the quad...long OR short path, if you please
- lets me records little electronic notes for things that make no sense at
3:30 AM
- tells me if I've already worked a guy or where else I need to work him
- tells me what country/zone/section/oblast/zip code he's in
- lets me save his call and frequency in a band map...so when the packet
pile-up clears
    I can go back and try to work him again
- tells me what his exchange was when I worked him in last year's contest
- records all my QSO's...that would be call, exact time, date, frequency
    exchange...legibly...with a press of the enter key
- prepares a log all ready to be submitted...in seconds
- ditto for a dupe sheet and score summary
- allows me to review contest rules on line...'cause I can never remember
the exact Sprint exchange
- allows me to engage in snappy repartee'  with other operators in a
multi-op environment
   when I'm the 75 meter dude and it's 1PM local time and I'm bored to
freakin' tears
- orders beer and pizza when I'm hungry (no, not really)
- keeps CQ'ing when I sneak off to pee (more often than I'd like these
days) or feed the dog

And yet...according to the rules and some of the purists on the Reflector...
I'm not assisted until I connect with packet?



And we wonder sometimes why them young whipper snappers think our hobby is

I'd be in favor of a CQ-Worldwide category for coffee stained paper logs
written in pencil...
crystal controlled tube transmitters and receivers with manual antenna
switching (bonus points for a knife switch)...
trapped dipoles no more than 20 feet off the ground and Radio Shack hand

Now that would separate the men from the boys.  But, sigh...some guys would
cheat and use a VFO.


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