[CQ-Contest] Contest exchange

Alan Dewey aldewey at aol.com
Wed Mar 20 17:18:21 EDT 2013


I have always viewed the 5NN in the exchange as a marker to seperate the call from the usefull exchange data.
You are right in that it does not convey any useful information but my guess is that , by omitting it, you are going 
to cause more confusion than it is worth.  But I applaud your effort to try.


Al, K0AD

-----Original Message-----
From: James Cain <jamesdavidcain at gmail.com>
To: cq-contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wed, Mar 20, 2013 2:50 pm
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest exchange

I got in the Wisconsin QSO Party a week ago last Sunday for my usual brief 
oray, CW only, 3.5 hours, 350 QSOs. Great fun! Lots of OF friends called in. 
The geniuses who run the WIQP -- none of them serious contesters -- specify the 
xchange as just location, no signal report. That really speeds things up. 
So I have made a Command Decision here at the Battleship Wisconsin. I will no 
onger send a signal report in any contest; I will send only whatever the other 
lement of the exchange is, the one that matters. You have been warned.
1TN 04
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