[CQ-Contest] Golden Goose redux...

Ray Fallen ray.fallen at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 19:41:53 EDT 2013

Hi Paul...

And I would say that *you* completely miss the point...IMHO, packet is
nothing more than ANOTHER "relevant technology assist."  Now who is living
in the past, Paul?

I'm sure that if there had been a Contest Reflector back in the days of NA
Version 1.0 or CT Version 1.01...there would be guys saying that computers
gave some stations an unfair advantage.  It's 2013, and there are still
Luddites out there who unfairly burden contest volunteers
by sending in paper logs.  I'm sure that somehow they consider themselves
on a higher moral plane than the rest of us.   Ah...the purity of it all.

But you and I will simply agree to disagree.

Yours was the only remotely negative response I received Paul...not saying
that everybody else is right and you are wrong.

But I think that's where the smart money would be.

My sarcasm is that it has become virtually impossible to police unassisted
entries who use packet.  So other than giving guys a
reason to bloviate, pontificate and bitch about cheating and ethics after
every friggin' contest, why bother with the separate categories?

I get the point just fine...thank you.

73 and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Ray - ND8L

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com> wrote:

> Hello Ray,
>  And yet...according to the rules and some of the purists on the
>> Reflector...
> That was an impressive list, but it was largely
> wasted because ALL relevant technology assists.
> > I'm not assisted until I connect with packet?
> Precisely, you're then you're connected to a
> world-wide wired commercial communications
> utility, the internet, to find or facilitate
> QSOs in an amateur-radio contest. That's what
> makes it a different operating category.
>  And we wonder sometimes why them young whipper snappers think our hobby is
>> irrelevant?
> They might even think that running competitions
> are irrelevant when driving would be faster.
> They would be wrong.
>  I'd be in favor of a CQ-Worldwide category for coffee stained paper logs
>> written in pencil...
>> crystal controlled tube transmitters and receivers with manual antenna
>> switching (bonus points for a knife switch)...
>> trapped dipoles no more than 20 feet off the ground and Radio Shack hand
>> keys.
> Why do you think we should all live in the past?
> And yes, I accept you're being sarcastic, but you're
> demonstrating that you've missed the point.
> 73,
> Paul EI5DI

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