[CQ-Contest] 579

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Mon Mar 25 00:15:12 EDT 2013

Well, actually it IS a bad analogy because it isn't an analogy at all.  
Saying that signal reports aren't checked for DXCC and saying that DXCC 
doesn't require a signal report is exactly the same thing.  Please 
explain the difference if you disagree.

Dave   AB7E

p.s.  Please tell us which major contests you know of that verify signal 
reports as part of the log checking process and assign a penalty for an 

On 3/24/2013 3:35 PM, Tom Frenaye wrote:
> At 02:47 PM 3/24/2013, David Gilbert/AB7E wrote:
>> 1.  Log checking does not include the signal report for any major contest I'm aware of.  It isn't even checked for DXCC.
> And DXCC does not require a signal report.  Bad analogy.
>     -- Tom/K1KI

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