[CQ-Contest] flat playing
Charles Harpole
hs0zcw at gmail.com
Tue May 7 23:56:03 EDT 2013
Well boys and girls, what I have found from op many places E of Miss River
is that the playing field is not at all level. How to get that if it is
even possible is a tuff nut. Too, rules changes mess up our history, not
However, now op from HS for years, I can testify that all ARRL sponsored
contests are skewed to favor hams in North America and the skewing is way
beyond the nonlevel playing field inside NA. And, this is not counting SS
nor Field Day.
I finally understand why there are so few contesters outside NA and EU.
Oh well, there is alway AA .... 73 to all contest warriors,
Charly, HS0ZCW
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