[CQ-Contest] Stubs

Steve Bookout steve at nr4m.com
Tue May 7 22:14:33 EDT 2013

On May 7, 2013, at 20:08, Jeff Stai <wk6i.jeff at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sweep the RF source around the desired null and trim until the null is in
> the right spot. I use a small alligator clip for a temporary short if the
> stub will be shorted in use.

Hello all,

What I've found to temporarily short the cable is a pair of curved electrical cable cutters, AKA coax cutters.  Less than $10 at Harbor Freight.

As you are trimming your 'shorted' stub, cut thru the cable about half the way.  When you reach the center conductor, you will have a short to the shield.  After a few trys, you should be able to feel the resistance when you reach the center conductor.  Hold the position of the cutters and run a sweep with your equipment.  If still too long, just finish the cut and remove the small piece of coax.   With practice, and sharp cutters, you can make cuts down to about 1/4" in length.
Don't get greedy, as easy to cut off too much.
When you get to where you need to be, make a permanent shorted connection, solder and make contacts.

73 de Steve, NR4M

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