[CQ-Contest] On Distance Scoring

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Thu May 9 23:24:45 EDT 2013

If it's really a "prefix" contest, what has distance or bands got to do 
with it? A true prefix contest would award (let's say) 10 points for 
each unique prefix worked. Allow those prefixes to be reworked on all 
the bands to be counted again for the additional points.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

On 5/9/2013 9:52 PM, Jimk8mr at aol.com wrote:
> 1. There is certainly a lot of inequity in the current 1-2-3  point,
> continent based scoring system.
> 2. Integer QSO point values made sense in the days of paper logs. Today
> there is no reason to require QSO points to be integer values.
> 3. QSO points for DX QSOs should be awarded in the form of   QSO  Points =
> 1 + ( D / K )
> Where D is the distance between stations, and K = a constant to yield the
> desired QSO point difference between close and distant stations.
> 4. Zero points for QSOs within the same country in DX contests is  still
> OK. For WPX, not.
> 5.  D may be the distance between zones; between countries (or
> states/regions in large countries); between each station if precise  locations are
> known. In practice, it's a tradeoff between precision and  practicality.
> 6. K may be different for different bands. For example, a smaller number on
>   the low bands to yield higher point values for long distance  QSOs.
> 7.  For distances in miles, I'd suggest K = 3000 on the high bands. So  a
> QSO to the antipodes would be a hair over five points.  A QSO from EA9 to
> ZB2 would be worth 1.01  points (or whatever the exact distance  yields) if
> country data is used.
> 8. On 80 or 160, K = 1000 to 2000 sounds good.
> 9. Such a scoring system would not need to replace the current 1-2-3
> system. Just use it to provide a second set of scores. For now, I assume such
> scores would be reported only on the web, not in print magazines.
> 10.  Sponsored plaques or other awards for distance based winners  welcome.
> 73   -    Jim   K8MR
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