[CQ-Contest] CQ Magazine

Saulius Zalnerauskas ly5w.sam at gmail.com
Wed May 15 07:13:29 EDT 2013

I have got them both!  Good news!

Sam LY5W
P.S. LY550W left 5 days! Look for me on the bands, mostly CW with L.P.

On 5/15/13, Albert Crespo <> wrote:
> The April and May issues of CQ Magazine contain the scores  for CQWW
> Phone and CW.
> Unfortunately, the distribution and delivery to subscribers  of the
> magazine in Europe has failed.
> If you have not received your magazines, contact CQ at
> cq5dottiek at bellsouth.net and Dottie will arrange to let you have access
> to the digital edition of the non-delivered editions that you may
> require.
> Both of these "lost" editions are quite informative and a good read
> and it is a shame that this happened through no direct fault of CQ.

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