[CQ-Contest] Will there be anyone to work in 20 years?

Cal Darula K0DXC k0dxc at yahoo.com
Fri May 24 16:08:19 EDT 2013

A special category will do absolutely nothing to recruit more youth. The key is finding a way to get them into the hobby in the first place. 

Calvin Darula, K0DXC

Sent from my iPhone

On May 24, 2013, at 10:55 AM, "Shane Mattson-->K1ZR" <k1zr at comcast.net> wrote:

> Fellow contesters,
> We have a much bigger problem than the top 5 topics discussed on this
> reflector ad nauseam. 
> Open the CQWW presentation Randy presented during Dayton this year:
> http://cqww.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/CQ-WW-for-Dayton-Contest-For
> um-2013.pdf
> Go to slide 15.  Look at the data in the first 3 columns.   The future does
> not look good for this sport unless we find a way to attract more youth to
> ham radio and contesting, especially in the US.   
> Something to ponder during the off-season.  At the very least I recommended
> adding a special category in CQWW to recognize competition amongst the
> youth.
> -Shane K1ZR
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