[CQ-Contest] recruiting yourth methods

Charles Harpole hs0zcw at gmail.com
Sat May 25 00:41:43 EDT 2013

Ask 4th grade teachers.  They will tell u have to get 'em at abt 9 yrs of
age now days.  The appeal has to be their basic wants/needs which are
-Strong desire to join an exclusive group
-have a secret language or code for the group
-Strong desire to feel grown up and in charge of self with personal power.
(Why are all those super heros so favored?)

This fits ham radio exactly.
Exclusive group... that certainly is ham radio and hams welcome all ages.
Secret language... oh do we have a secret language or even two, QSL?  or
--.-  ...   .-..
A kid can talk to anyone as an equal from Nobel winners to his buddy down
the road.
Who could be more "in control" than the kid AT THE CONTROLS of a radio?
Eleven is too late.  If ARRL could think younger than their 60 yrs, they
would have gotten sponsors to build a GAME HAM BOY and have local clubs
hand them out.

No kid wants to sit too long with and oldster... give him a GAME HAM BOY to
learn the secret language ... and Hey Martti and others in cell phones....
PUT CW ON THE MSG FUNCTION... faster than thumbs.

But, a group of gray hairs bitching abt no one to work is both true and not
near the way to reach youngsters.

Talk to elementary grade teachers.

73, Charly

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