[CQ-Contest] When is speed not speedy?

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Fri May 31 18:51:54 EDT 2013


1) He may have listened to you for the past 5 minutes, eeking out your 
call sign letter by letter?

2) He would call you because he wants to make a contact?

3) If a station calls me at 20 wpm I don't assume he can copy my 
exchange at high speed. If he could, why would he bother to call you at 
20 wpm in the first place?

I guess it depends on which "end of the pipe" you look at the situation!

73 de Bob 0 KØRC in MN

On 5/31/2013 5:09 PM, Glenn Wyant wrote:
> If I am CQing at 30 wpm , and a station calls me , well
> I would assume he can copy me.
> If he can't copy me , why would he call.?
> I really enjoy 30 - 40 wpm
> If I had to run the contest at 20 wpm, I would quit.
> Glenn VA3DX
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] When is speed not speedy?
> So... if I am CQing at 30 wpm and someone answers me at 20 wpm, it's a
> simple Shift plus two taps of the PageDn key to instantly QRS to their
> speed.
> 73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 5/31/2013 2:57 PM, KU7Y wrote:

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