[CQ-Contest] Running ID

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Sat Nov 2 18:03:49 EDT 2013

I agree Martin, an ID every three for four QSOs in a hot pileup seems 
reasonable. At P40A I tried to ID frequently however I am sure that there 
were times that I got so into running the pileup that I forgot. After three 
or four QSOs,  I will work the unknown station and ask their callsign.  If 
it happens to be a dupe at least I did not waste more time and if the DX 
station starts working a lot of dupes I am sure that they will ID more 
frequently.  The only way it would be frustrating is if you cannot break the 
pileup and you waste a lot of time calling someone who is dupe.

John KK9A

To:Bob Kupps <n6bk at yahoo.com>
Subject:Re: [CQ-Contest] Running ID
From:"Martin , LU5DX" <lu5dx at lucg.com.ar>
Date:Fri, 1 Nov 2013 09:45:41 -0200

I totally agree with you Bob.
Last year during CQ WW DX CW, even though I was assisted, I had to wait up
to three minutes on an guy in zone 33 to send his call and confirm who I
For other in zone 8, I had to wait 21 Qs before he IDed again.
This year I'll enter SOAB from CE3CT, so the pain will be even worse. Must
be frustrating to spend a minute or two waiting on someone to ID without
even knowing if he already is in your log or not.
Unless this is required by the rules, I believe this will continue.
There are lots of things to shorten:
ENN at a faster speed.
The zone exchange (which is obvious in most cases) also at a faster speed.
EE instead of TU
Test or TST at a faster speed.
Those thing, like it or not, don't hurt as much as not sending the
station's callsign for such long periods of time.

I believe a reasonable ID ratio is 1:3 (ID:Qs)...1:4 tops. Depending on the
QSO rate at which the running station is working. It should result in folks
IDing once every 20-25 secs, no more than that.

Vy 73.

Martin, LU5DX

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 3:04 AM, Bob Kupps <n6bk at yahoo.com> wrote:

> It appears to me that many of the big rare contest stations are maximizing
> their rates by never IDing as long as there are enough assisted guys
> calling who already know who they are. This makes classic S&P particularly
> agonizing and IMO all running stations should be required to ID at least
> once every some number of Qs. I realize that assisted is a different
> category, but the guys out there who don't play my computer vs yours will
> continue to diminish in number if it's no fun...
> 73 HS0ZIA 

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