[CQ-Contest] Talking "Sunday Drivers" through the exchange

Bob, W3IDT w3idt at comcast.net
Fri Nov 22 15:23:10 EST 2013

On 11/21/2013 5:36 PM, David Siddall wrote:

> borrow from a recent CQWW thread, should an op be DQed for walking a
> "Sunday driver" through the exchange information without requiring
> the Sunday drive to perform the difficult task of parrotting back all
> 5 elements in the requisite order in the same breath? That's the only
> foolish result that a mandatory element order would accomplish.  Why
> would anyone want that in Sweepstakes, which seeks to attract
> participation?
> 73, Dave K3ZJ
...end snip

Hear, hear!

1. I (and daughter, Miriam, K3MIM) doing sweepstakes ssb from the W3LPL 
DX contest station) make a habit of talking "Sunday drivers" through the 
exchange in, we hope, a friendly manner, and encourage them to make more 
contacts - work on their (5B) WAS or whatever. She, especially, attracts 
"Sunday drivers" who want to say hello to a YL.

2. We usually finish up by saying something akin to "so the next person 
gets '#2 Alpha <call> <year> <section>'" with appropriate values in the 
correct order.

3. The "hotshots" who skip their call in the exchange, a) often get a 
repeat request as I've lost "synchronization" between what I'm hearing 
and my typing, and b) perhaps be suitable candidates for DQ.

Bob, w3idt

. Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT   .
.                           .
. W3IDT at arrl.net            .
. W3IDT at comcast.net         .

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