[CQ-Contest] on line scores

Ken Low kenke3x at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 14:33:25 EST 2013

"As the contesting community has adjusted to the requirement for logs to be sent in and posted for all to see, it is now time to change this unnecessary behavior and openly post your score for all to see. Not posting your score equals non entry in the contest.

de Rick NQ4I"

Interesting suggestion, but disagree:

1.   I experimented with posting to contest.ru site during WAE CW this year.   It was distracting and I got no benefit from it.

2.    I give up competitive advantage if my choice of bands and off-time strategy are visible to others.

3.   Much of winning is due to pressing onwards in the face of sleep deprivation or poor conditions.   You also may not know what category other stations have entered.   That's a valuable part of the game.

4.   The golf analogy is not realistic.  Contesters do not play on the same golf course, use similar equipment and are not subject to the same weather (read:  propagation) conditions.

5.   I suspect the many casual stations who like to see their call signs in the results articles would be slightly disappointed to be disqualified by not posting online

If you want to see real time scoring by 100% of all participants, you can find it at WRTC 2014.


Ken KE3X

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