[CQ-Contest] Did I submit my log?

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Thu Nov 28 15:22:41 EST 2013

CQ has been improving their website over the years, making it even "more 
excellent"! It is prudent to check their "Logs Received" webpage to make 
certain you sent your log. But more important, it verifies CQ actually 
RECEIVED it for processing! Last year, in a different contest, I 
"thought" I sent in a 1.5-million point log. I had not! That oversight 
was a huge disappointment in my contest experience last year. I've been 
paying closer attention to the details this year.

Here is the link to check whether your log has been received: 

Check it now!

On another note... I become curious regarding how many QSO partners in 
my CQWW CW log had turned in their log. So I programmed an Excel 
workbook to give me the answer. You can download a copy from here:


Look for the file named *Audit Calls Worked Log Analyzer - Rev 
0.1.1.xls*   While you are there, you might want to download the most 
current CQWW DX Log Analyzer, which provides a variety of other 
worksheets. I might merge these two tools together in the future.

The new tool is a simple three click process:

First, you import your Cabrillo log from the "Reports" worksheet using 
the "Import Log 1" button.

Next, you move to the "Calls" worksheet where you use the "Click to 
import CQ Web" button. That action will retrieve the entire submitted CW 
logs list from the CQWW website. The list will be pasted into the 
CQWW-CW worksheet.

The final step is to click the "Click to generate UNIQUE List" on the 
"Calls" worksheet. This will create the list of unique call signs found 
in your Cabrillo file. It will then show you which bands you worked each 
station and indicate if your QSO partner has submitted their log by 
setting their call sign in bold.

I just ran this tool with my log and found *6,312* CW logs have been 
received by CQ, that I had *606* unique call signs in my log, and *458* 
of those stations have already submitted their log. That is a 75% "Hit 

Please let me know if you try this tool and find any problems.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN


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