[CQ-Contest] Towards a critical examination of the 2-point rule in CQWW

Mark markzl3ab at gmail.com
Thu Nov 28 16:28:54 EST 2013

> P.S. Up here in the barren lands of the EU Aurora Belt, we should get 4
> points for all DX QSOs that we manage to squeeze through. I'm sure that
> fate-sharing friends in Alaska and Nunavut will agree :) But actually, the
> guys really getting screwed over are in Oceania, and they get hardly any
> consideration. In my opinion it's a testament to their dedication that
> bother participating at all. If anything, most of them should get at least
> points for all contacts...

Bermuda to New York 1200km = 2pts
Christchurch New Zealand to Sydney Australia 2200km = 1pt
Bermuda to Los Angeles 4900km = 2pts
Christchurch to Hawaii 7600km = 1pt.

and that is putting to one side the respective contesting populations in
those areas.

Its a good thing we focus on self improvement rather than on being
competitive <g>.

Mark ZL3AB
Member ZL3X The Quake Contesters

PS: Its alright I know hell will freeze over first before the scoring
system is ever changed; there are to many vested interests.

PPS: I also want to know where the bridge from Europe to North Africa is

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