[CQ-Contest] Compliments to Force-12

Geoff Howard ghoward at kent.edu
Thu Oct 10 20:17:32 EDT 2013


Over the summer PJ2T ordered a Force-12 C-3E/H tribander for a drop 
shipment to Curacao. Because of the shipment logistics we were unable 
to trial-assemble the antenna in the States.

Once in Curacao we discovered a problem with some incorrect parts and 
E-mailed Force-12. The Force-12 people reacted magnificently, 
shipping us the correct items via expedited Fed-Ex, and they were on 
the island within two days, no charge for the parts or the shipment. 
In addition, Force-12 reimbursed us the amount of the duty we had to 
pay Curacao Customs for the corrected parts shipment.

Since its installation we have been thrilled with the performance of 
this antenna as well as with the fabulous customer service.


            - Geoff, W0CG/7, PJ2DX

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