[CQ-Contest] WRTC renamed?

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 18 22:41:23 EDT 2013

On 10/18/2013 07:19 PM, steve.root at culligan4water.com wrote:

> Except that rules allowed for half of the qualifying scores to happen anywhere else on Earth, like the Caribbean.

Yes, but in that case their score was compared only to other Caribbean 
entries in that contest.

> The rules sound good in theory but in practice one whole operator and half of the other operator have > NOTHING to do with any given geographical area.

Not universally. In the NA5 area, both the team leader and team member 
operated exclusively from the NA5 geographic area. I'm sure you can find 
other examples of the same.

Steve, N2IC

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