[CQ-Contest] WRTC renamed?

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 09:12:03 EDT 2013


Your analysis of the KU1CW qualifying scores is flawed. For an 
understanding of what KU1CW scores were used for his NA10 qualifying, 
see http://wrtc-rank.com/opdetails.php?rank_type=claimed&op=KU1CW . Pay 
particular attention to the 2nd column, "Score Counted".

9 of his 12 countable scores were made by operating from the NA10 area.

Congratulations to Alex !

Steve, N2IC

On 10/19/2013 02:36 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
> I felt the same way Steve when I looked at the NA10 listing. In fact, I
> wrote the WRTC with my comments.
> At least 7 of NA10 captain scores were from outside the area. 9 of his
> scores are from multi ops, 5 from the area and 4 outside the area. 7 of
> his scores appear to be from his home station. He picked someone from EU
> to operate with him. W0UA and K0EU were very very close behind with K0EU
> being credited with all scores in NA10. W0UA's points except for two
> Multi's in the USA, were from NA10.
> All of which is legal within the rules as they appear today. The NA10
> team or any team should come from that area. On a cursory inspection 2
> other Captains chose people outside the respective areas.
> I suggest that the top 50 scores are used or only count scores from
> within the area.
> Do I feel like the NA10 team represents the NA10 area? No.
> Mike W0MU
> On 10/18/2013 7:19 PM, steve.root at culligan4water.com wrote:
>> "The world was divided into regions. Qualifiers were only competing
>> with others in their same region in order to qualify."
>> Except that some of the regions are enormous, thus ignoring the
>> realities of propagation.
>> Except that rules allowed for half of the qualifying scores to happen
>> anywhere else on Earth, like the Caribbean.
>> Except that the rules allow a team leader to pick a partner from
>> anywhere on Earth.
>> The rules sound good in theory but in practice one whole operator and
>> half of the other operator have NOTHING to do with any given
>> geographical area.
>> 73 Steve K0SR
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Randy Thompson K5ZD [mailto:k5zd at charter.net]
>> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 08:01 PM
>> To: ''Charles Harpole'', ''CQ-Contest Reflector''
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WRTC renamed?
>> Go back and read the qualifying rules
>> again.http://www.wrtc2014.org/qualifying/team-selection/The world was
>> divided into regions. Qualifiers were only competing withothers in
>> their same region in order to qualify.Yes, there are more teams from
>> Eu and NA, but that is because there are morecontesters in those
>> places.The WRTC2014 committee added more teams than ever before in an
>> attempt toget as many competitors from around the world as possible.
>> It is very hardto squeeze the approximately 20,000 active contesters
>> in the world down toonly 118 competitors!Randy, K5ZD> -----Original
>> Message-----> From: CQ-Contest
>> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of> Charles
>> Harpole> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 3:45 PM> To: CQ-Contest
>> Reflector> Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC renamed?> > World Radio Team
>> Competition could easily be re-named ....> NA/EU Team Competition with
>> some token others thrown in.> > I like the WRTC, its organizers, and
>> the excitement it adds to ham radio.
>> But, let us not pretend the selection process has found the whole list
>> of> highly accomplished contesters.> > Some will just not want to do
>> it even if in the top ten often. Some live> in parts of the world
>> where their scores in contests as the contests now> exist can never
>> turn huge numbers. That would be residents of most of> Africa and many
>> parts of Asia.> > Example, if Asia gives you one point and you live in
>> the HUGE continent> of Asia, you are in the hole compared to other
>> locations.> > Please do not think I am rooting for myself; I am not,
>> but I do know> some really talented Asians left out by the structure.
>> Further, I do not> think this disparity can be easily fixed. But, WRTC
>> is a "world" event> the same as the baseball "world" series is what
>> its name implies.> > Actually, virtually anything that will get ops
>> off the computer and on> the air has to be a good thing, but it is not
>> healthy for NA/EU to think> of> themselves as the WHOLE world. 73> >
>> --> Charly, HS0ZC
> W>
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