[CQ-Contest] 2013 CWopsT - 1900Z Oct 23 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 25Oct2013

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri Oct 25 15:55:35 EDT 2013

2013 CWopsT - 1900Z Oct 23 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 25Oct2013

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Oct 26, 2013
E-mail logs to: (none)
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op HP
N4AF               122    80            9,760 PVRC
WJ9B               112    70     1      7,840 PVRC
W0UA(@K0RF)        102    72     1      7,344 
N6RO                95    64     1      6,080 NCCC
W0UCE               98    62     1      6,076 PVRC
VE3KI               92    63     1      5,796 CCO
N4ZZ                86    66     1      5,676 TCG
NS9I                88    64     1      5,632 
SM6CNN              83    65            5,395 
F6HKA              100    53     1      5,300 

W6SX                89    54     1      4,806 NCCC
K1GU                79    59   1.0      4,661 TCG
N3JT                83    56            4,648 
W0VX                79    56     1      4,424 
PA4N                82    53     1      4,346 
K5AX                74    57    .8      4,218 
W1RM                61    51   0.5      3,111 
GW0ETF              63    42     1      2,646 
N4FP                53    40     1      2,120 FCG
KC4D                49    39   1.0      1,911 PVRC

SM6CUK              45    35            1,575 
DL8PG               33    33            1,089 
N4UP                38    27     1      1,026 
NN6T                27    27     1        729 CWOPS
OH2BN               27    27     1        729 CW Operators' Club
SM5ALJ              20    20              400 TOEC
W4NZ                16    16 00:10        256 TCG

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op LP
NW2K                92    64     1      5,888 NCC
W7ZRC               89    60     1      5,340 
W3KB                82    58     1      4,756 FRC
ZD8O(N5ZO)          68    68     1      4,624 SCCC
AA2ZW               68    65   1.0      4,420 NFR
EA8OM(DJ1OJ)        68    57     1      3,876 BCC
KJ9C                66    53            3,498 
N3AD(@N3AD/REMOT    63    50  0:52      3,150 FRC
K2CYE               61    49     1      2,989 FRC
W9ILY               63    43   1.0      2,709 Metro DX

K1DW                56    44            2,464 
NW0M                51    36     1      1,836 KCDXC
PA3DBS              48    36     1      1,728 
K1SM                50    34     1      1,700 
KR8V                50    34  1:00      1,700 
W8CAR               44    36     1      1,584 NCC
N5RR                42    36  0:30      1,512 
K4FT                45    33     1      1,485 
W4VQ                45    33     1      1,485 
K0VBU               35    35    .3      1,225 KC Contest Club

UR5MM               36    32            1,152 UCC
K3GHH               39    29     1      1,131 
SP1AEN              33    32     1      1,056 
SF3A(SM3CER)        33    30     1        990 TOEC
DL3AZ               32    29              928 
W4TTM               35    26     1        910 
K6IFF(K6FF)         28    27     1        756 
SM6FKF              29    24     1        696 Falkopings Radioclub
US0MF               26    25    1h        650 
SI5Y(SM5BKK)        25    24     1        600 

YO5OHO              24    24              576 
W9CC                26    22     1        572 
ON5UK               22    20              440 
WX7SJ               25    16     1        400 
SM0OY               17    17     1        289 BSCC
SM4DQE              18    15              270 TOEC
DF6RI               16    16              256 
DL5YL               16    15    1h        240 
TF3DC               11    11              121 
W3SFG               11     9     1         99 PVRC

N7BVY                1     1     1          1 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op QRP
K2ZR                49    39   1.0      1,911 NIagara Frontier Rad
KU7Y                20    17     1        340 NCCC
KC9EE               20    15     1        300 
WB5BKL              19    13     1        247 CTDXCC
K1SX                14    12   45m        168 
AF9W                13    12     1        156 AOCC


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