[CQ-Contest] Sweepstakes practice

Alan M. Eshleman doctore at well.com
Wed Oct 30 18:43:01 EDT 2013

The Northern California Contest Club will be having a CW Sweepstakes practice session this Friday evening from 7:30 to 8:00 pm Pacific Time (0230-0300 UTC Saturday).

Frequencies to be used:

                       160 M from 1.815 to 1.830 MHz, avoiding any active DX operations 
                        80 M from 3.540 MHz up
                        40 M from 7.040 MHz up

All are welcome to join and test your logging programs, exchanges, etc.  Operators who are hesitant to join the SS contest because of worries about code speed are encouraged to take part and to request QRS whenever needed.

I'm posting this here so no gets startled when they hear "CQ SS" a day early.



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