[CQ-Contest] World Contest Station Database Has Moved

Pete Smith N4ZR pete.n4zr at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 07:25:32 EDT 2013

As announced early this summer, the World Contest Station Database is 
moving to WA7BNM's 3830scores.com.  I have sent him the latest data 
file, and I'm sure that before long it will have a new and better 
incarnation on his site.

Shortly, contestations.com will be no more, so please don't update your 
records there any longer.

Hard to imagine it's been 15 years since I started doing this.  Thanks 
to everyone for your support.


73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at
blog at reversebeacon.blogspot.com.
For spots, please go to your favorite
ARC V6 or VE7CC DX cluster node.

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