[CQ-Contest] Flash! All 58 California Counties will be on the air Oct. 4-5th. Win-Test users: try DXLog.net in CQP.

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Mon Sep 23 18:49:39 EDT 2013

All 58 California Counties will be on the air during the California QSO
Party, Oct. 4th-5th.  See


for a list of callsigns active in each county.  California stations who
would also like to be listed may do so by filling out the following sign-up


Users of the Win-Test contest logging software (which doesn't support CQP)
should consider trying a new contest logging program by 9A5K called
DXLog.net, which has a very compatible interface, and full CQP Support
(both in-state and out-of-state).  See http://dxlog.net for more details.

Bob, N6TV
2013 CQP County Coordinator

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