[CQ-Contest] Texas QSO Party This Weekend

Keith Dutson kdutson at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 24 11:16:04 EDT 2013

All Contesters,

There are stations signed up to work all Texas counties this year (this
Saturday and Sunday) in the TQP.  Many are for both CW and phone.  Hours of
operation are 0900-2100 Saturday, and 0900-1500 Sunday. Central Daylight

If you plan to work TQP, please post your route to no5w.chuck at gmail.com with
the following info:

Call sign used
Days of operation (Sat only, Sun only, or Both days)
Modes of Operation
Bands of Operation
if mobile, a list of counties for each day in the order of covering them
if multi-op, a list of the operators

A map showing all posted routes is shown at:


Note counties in red have only one station posted.  It would be nice to have
at least one more station as backup.  I hope you can help.

73, Keith Dutson NM5G
TQP Coordinator

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