[CQ-Contest] [wrtc2014] WRTC 2014 - Wild Card DK6XZ

Filipe Lopes ct1ilt at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 06:30:42 EDT 2013

Congratulations Suad,

cu in New England!

73's Filipe CT1ILT

Filipe Lopes

2013/9/26 Suad Zukic /Technex/ <suad.zukic at t-online.de>

> Thank you very much to the WRTC 2014 Selection Committee for the Wild Card!
> Sincere congratulations to the other Team Leaders!
> SG Stern-Team of DM0B, Win DK9IP and me, is honoured to become the chance
> to
> meet you all and the opportunity to compete with the best Qualifiers of
> the World.
> Look forward to seeing you 2014 in New England.
> 73 Suad, DK6XZ
> --
> Suad Zukic
> DK6XZ & E77XZ
> www.dk6xz.com
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