[CQ-Contest] BC QSO Party Soapbox

Michael Dinkelman mwdink at clearwire.net
Fri Apr 4 14:56:54 EDT 2014

BC QSO Soapbox
built 4-4-2014

Call: AE7DW             Class: Single OpMixed LP        Total Score = 340
TX: FT897 @ 100w
ANT: JTV680 @ ~25' (rooftop)

Call: CE2AWW            Class: Single OpMixed HP        Total Score = 6,464
VA7ODX bonus points not included in claimed score.

Fun time being able to say hello to all the VE7's. Like everyone despite
looking on 20m CW for qso's all I could hear were the Sprinters. Perhaps a
dedicated frequency higher in the band would help....14060 or ?? A special
thank you to Rebecca VA7BEC for her efforts to promote and co-ordinate this

Call: K4BAI             Class: Single OpCW HP           Total Score = 36
TH6DXX, Alpha 78, 1 KW, 40M dipole, 80M inverted vee.  Beam broken.  Not much
time this year.  Thanks for the QSOs.  73, John, K4BAI.

Call: KA6BIM            Class: Single OpDig HP          Total Score = 364
Playing a bit on RTTY for the weekend.  Thought I would say Hi to the Orca team.

Call: N6MU              Class: Single OpMixed LP        Total Score = 8,732
Score includes 100 points for 5 Qs with VA7ODX. No CW activity after 00Z due to
NAQP Sprint was a bummer. I think most BC stations gave up then as there wasn't
much action on 40 SSB either. Only heard VA7NF on 75 but he couldn't hear me.

John, N6MU                    TS-570 & 5BTV

Call: N8XX              Class: Single OpCW QRP          Total Score = 4
Trying to see if short skip would allow me to hear Minnesota.  NIL, but heard a
VE7 and worked him!  Thanks for letting me know my rig actually worked on 20!

Call: OM2VL             Class: Single OpMixed HP        Total Score = 756
My first BC QP only for fun. Not many time for hunting VE7's, because I was busy
with hunting MN stations.

Score included 80 bonus points for 4 QSO with VA7ODX.

Thanks for the nice QSO's.

73 Laci OM2VL

Call: VA3RKM            Class: Single OpMixed QRP       Total Score = 140
KX3, 5w, verticals.

Call: VA7DZ             Class: Single OpCW HP           Total Score = 39,052
My first QSO party - really enjoyed it!
Very surprised that there was enough trade that I could run most of the time,
averaging 0.5 to 2 per minute.

Eric VA7DZ

Call: VA7NF             Class: Multi-OpMixed HP         Total Score = 628,904
This was only the second contest for a new amateur, Christine, VA7MCP and she
was into the swing of running right from the beginning.

While Christine was running Phone Stan, VA7NF, was handling the CW. Stan has
been away from contesting for a while and enjoyed getting back into the chair.

Both ops put in a solid 12 hrs. relying on Pizza and soda for energy.

I want to thank Scott WX0V for posting "VA7NF BCQP friendly YL op"
this showed up on Christine's computer screen and it was a boost to her. As a
new amateur radio operator it was a welcoming comment, thanks Scott.

Being a local QSO party contest we had a great time working all who we managed
to get into the log thanks to everyone for making BCQP a success.


Call: VA7ODX            Class: Multi-OpMixed LP         Total Score = 867,970
A word from the sponsor...

What a great day at the radio! I speak from the PH perspective, of course.
Things were different for the VA7ODX CW and RTTY operators, as you can deduce
from the results above. But we all had enjoyable moments on the air.

There's always more PH activity than CW and Digital in QSO parties. Also, it's
far easier to trade Qs with stations in the host states of the MNQP, DEQP and
VTQP and stations in the other same-day contests by voice than in code and by
print. Consequently, I was kept very busy.

I made it a point to offer a trade when a station gave me a state in the
exchange I required for my BCQP log. So in effect, while BCQP was my priority,
I supported the other same-day events. I think many operators did this.
Reciprocal support keeps the bands buzzing and helps to build bigger logs.

Conditions were tough, certainly not as good as last year, which weren't as
good as the year before. The high bands seemed to close early and the low bands
were very noisy.

At times, I was fully engaged in major pileups -- yes! pileups! in a QSO
party!-- but not everyone trying to contact me realized that there was a
mountain of other stations trying to do the same. And so, to some operators, it
may have seemed like I was taking my merry old time in acknowledging them or
purposely ignoring them. Not so. And my apologies to anyone who might have
thought that. Conditions did play a part. But it's also quite possible that the
beam was not pointed in the right direction for me to hear you. My goal in
running the sponsor station on PH -- and the CW and RTTY operators had the same
goal -- was to work as many stations as possible, even stations that were
"felt" more so than "heard," hand out bonus points and keep
the BCQP profile high.

I think, despite perceived challenges, more BC stations were on the air. It's a
suspicion that is proving true as I look at submitted logs from out-of-BC
stations that show a considerable increase in the number of QSOs with BC
stations. Or maybe all the promotion paid off, and more stations outside BC
decided to go on a treasure hunt for VE7/VA7s and discovered riches?
Regardless, it seems BCQP is becoming a lot more fun for operators near and

It was certainly fun for me, especially when on-air friends answered my CQs. It
was just wonderful to hear familiar calls from Germany and Japan and Chile as
well as BC and the rest of Canada and through the US.

I would like to tip my contest coordinator's hat to everyone who got on the air
and/or helped others get on the air for BCQP 2014, wherever the QTH may be. I
coordinate efforts to promote the event and handle administrative details
behind-the-scenes, but it is all of you who call CQ BCQP and/or answer CQs who
contineu to make this an increasingly enjoyable time in front of the radio.
Thank you.

See you again in BCQP 2015.

MNI TNX de VA7ODX team (Rebecca VA7BEC, Koji VA7KO and Dave VA7AM)

Call: VA7QLT            Class: Single OpSSB LP          Total Score = 19,480
First time in a major contest. Had a lot of fun. Thanks to the coaching staff.
Loved my first pile-ups. Hope for more in the next contest.
Jeanne VA7QLT
FT1000mp, 100 w, SteppIR, 3 el

Call: VA7ST             Class: Single OpCW HP           Total Score = 13,800
Activity seemed up from previous years, as it should be with the heavy Orca DX
and Contest Club promotion behind this event.

While the SSB operators surely had a great time, this is not a good weekend for
yet another CW contest activity. The collision with the NA CW Sprint from 0000z
to 0400z is very frustrating, and means BCQP effectively ends at 0000z for CW
operators. Exchanges for the two events are incompatible (Sprint has no RST,
while BCQP requires it).

Wouldn't be fair to the Sprinters to add RST to my exchange, so I ran the
Sprint for a couple of hours using KEL (my BC county abbreviation) as my name,
but afterward realized that no RST in the Sprint exchange means I cannot count
those 105 Qs for BCQP points.

Hope everyone had fun. I did for a while, but this is no rate-fest to be sure.

See you next week in WPX RTTY.

-- Bud VA7ST

Call: VE5KS             Class: Single OpMixed LP        Total Score = 5,380
Great contest. Had lots of fun searching for those VE7/VA7's. I got my licence
as VE7CRW back in 1977, so it is fun to work my home province.
Wish I could have worked a few more on 15 but heard only a couple and nothing
on 10 at all.
CW was finished at 0000z because of the sprint contest, I tried to hear any BC
stations but it was impossible to hear any in the clatter.
I was hoping to to work more stations on cw on 40 and 80 but by the time the
band opened west there was too much qrm and the S9 noise level didn't help HI.
Thanks to VA7ODX, I worked you 5 times for 100 bonus points.

Looking forward to next year, and hopefully a better score.


Rig: Kenwood TS 140S
Antenna : Cushcraft A3S up 40 ft, and a fan inverted Vee for 40/80.

Call: VE7AX             Class: Single OpMixed HP        Total Score = 20,828
I managed to achieve my goal of 100 QSOs overall and to give my antennas a
workout on as many bands/modes as possible at my new QTH.  As others have
noted, CW was a challenge with so many other contests going on.  I appreciated
the work of the ORCA Club organizers to provide in-province participants with
spread sheets and info on the other contests happening but I guess I need to go
back to Contest U in order to find a way of efficiently scoring points in all of

Thanks to all for a fun time and especially for the interest and patience of
out of province participants - including a surprising number of DX contacts.  I
sense that the BCQP is getting more popular and I look forward to next year.

73, Don VE7AX

Call: VE7BC             Class: Single OpMixed LP        Total Score = 76,398
I always look forward to this contest. Unfortunately this year I could only
spend a little under 5 hours in the chair due to work commitments. Thank you to
the stations who called me and special thanks to Rebecca, VA7BEC, for all she
does to make this contest what it has become!

Call: VE7JH             Class: Single OpMixed LP        Total Score = 43,448
I only  operated on the top three bands but had a ball. Plenty of VE7's and good
activity from the USA. Even had a bit if a Europe run on 20m CW.
Thanks for all the contacts, see you in 2015!
Gabor, VE7JH

Call: VE7JKZ            Class: Single OpCW LP           Total Score = 44,240
Log to be amended for VE7ODX contact.
Not a good start to the contest. 40m CW was hopeless because of what
SOAPBOX: sounded like an OTHR (over the horizon radar) pulsing away, whilst 40

SOAPBOX: SSB (approx 7230) was a mass of BC AM sigs. Radio Australia was so
SOAPBOX: strong on 7240 that I almost spent my time listening to that instead
SOAPBOX: of BCQP! Then the FOC crowd was having a contest on 20 and 15.
SOAPBOX: Eventually I got going, CW only. In the afternoon the sprint started
SOAPBOX: and that made things even more challenging. Even so it was an
SOAPBOX: enjoyable few hours before a social committment from 1600 onwards
SOAPBOX: meant I lost the opportunity for 40 and 80. Ah well, there's always
SOAPBOX: next year.

Call: VE7TJF            Class: Single OpSSB LP          Total Score = 22,106
First major long contest.  Had a great coach.  Learning how to tune in and
separate the pile-ups.  Thanks to all for your patience.  Looking forward to
the next contest.
Margaret VE7TJF
FT1000mp, 100w, 3 el SteppIR, N1MM

Call: VE9AA             Class: Single OpCW LP           Total Score = 168
Sorry my BC brethren. Just no time !

Mike VE9AA N1MM IC7410 HF9V

Call: W1END             Class: Single OpCW LP           Total Score = 1,192
Seems like CW activity picks up every year.  How about throwing in some
Always great to work our western friends.  Thanks to everyone.
Eldon - W1END

Call: WN4AFP            Class: Single OpMixed LP        Total Score = 92
My first BCQP! Limited time available for this one. We'll try this one again
next year!

Index of Calls
Call: AB4GG             Class: Single OpMixed HP
Call: AE7DW             Class: Single OpMixed LP
Call: CE2AWW            Class: Single OpMixed HP
Call: K4BAI             Class: Single OpCW HP
Call: KA6BIM            Class: Single OpDig HP
Call: KS4X              Class: Single OpMixed QRP
Call: N6MU              Class: Single OpMixed LP
Call: N7TEW             Class: Single OpMixed LP
Call: N8XX              Class: Single OpCW QRP
Call: OM2VL             Class: Single OpMixed HP
Call: VA3RKM            Class: Single OpMixed QRP
Call: VA7DZ             Class: Single OpCW HP
Call: VA7NF             Class: Multi-OpMixed HP
Call: VA7ODX            Class: Multi-OpMixed LP
Call: VA7QLT            Class: Single OpSSB LP
Call: VA7ST             Class: Single OpCW HP
Call: VE3VSM            Class: Single OpMixed LP
Call: VE5KS             Class: Single OpMixed LP
Call: VE7AX             Class: Single OpMixed HP
Call: VE7BC             Class: Single OpMixed LP
Call: VE7COJ            Class: Single OpSSB LP
Call: VE7DS             Class: Single OpCW LP
Call: VE7JH             Class: Single OpMixed LP
Call: VE7JKZ            Class: Single OpCW LP
Call: VE7QC             Class: Single OpSSB LP
Call: VE7TJF            Class: Single OpSSB LP
Call: VE7WJ             Class: Single OpSSB LP
Call: VE9AA             Class: Single OpCW LP
Call: W0PAN             Class: Single OpSSB LP
Call: W1END             Class: Single OpCW LP
Call: W4ANT             Class: Single OpSSB LP
Call: W4UT              Class: Single OpMixed QRP
Call: WN4AFP            Class: Single OpMixed LP

Index of Calls organized by Class

Class: Multi-OpMixed HP
         Call: VA7NF

Class: Multi-OpMixed LP
         Call: VA7ODX

Class: Single OpCW HP
         Call: K4BAI
         Call: VA7DZ
         Call: VA7ST

Class: Single OpCW LP
         Call: VE7DS
         Call: VE7JKZ
         Call: VE9AA
         Call: W1END

Class: Single OpCW QRP
         Call: N8XX

Class: Single OpDig HP
         Call: KA6BIM

Class: Single OpMixed HP
         Call: AB4GG
         Call: CE2AWW
         Call: OM2VL
         Call: VE7AX

Class: Single OpMixed LP
         Call: AE7DW
         Call: N6MU
         Call: N7TEW
         Call: VE3VSM
         Call: VE5KS
         Call: VE7BC
         Call: VE7JH
         Call: WN4AFP

Class: Single OpMixed QRP
         Call: KS4X
         Call: VA3RKM
         Call: W4UT

Class: Single OpSSB LP
         Call: VA7QLT
         Call: VE7COJ
         Call: VE7QC
         Call: VE7TJF
         Call: VE7WJ
         Call: W0PAN
         Call: W4ANT

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