[CQ-Contest] WiQP Soapbox

Michael Dinkelman mwdink at clearwire.net
Fri Apr 11 17:30:11 EDT 2014

WiQP Soapbox
built 4-11-2014

Call: K1TN/9            Class: SO Fixed HP              Total Score = 455,600
Activity was way down this year so I am doubly grateful to those who called.

Call: K4BAI             Class: SO Fixed HP              Total Score = 113,220
FT1000MP, Alpha 78, 1 KW, zepp, dipole, inverted vee.  Had a league tennis match
on Sunday afternoon so couldn't put in a full time effort.  Thanks for all QSOs,
especially the mobiles.  Band conditions were pretty good on the high bands.
40M was very weak on Sunday afternoon and, after dark, 80M was weaker than
usual and QRN levels were high. 73, John, K4BAI.

Call: K9PG              Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 411,930
Mobiles make this a lotta fun! 19 Qs with NE9U.
Missed CLA, CRA and WOO... and I guess all 3 were spoken for earlier on.  Kinda
wanted to get a sweep.

All Qs made with wires.

DIPOLIO has spoken.

Call: K9WX              Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 293,760
Score includes the 1.5 low power multiplier

Call: KE0G              Class: SO Mobile QRP            Total Score = 707,040
K3/10 at 4.5 watts.  Several wire antennas:  34' vert dipole, 34' up with 66'
wire sloping down, and a 100' long inv vee up 30' at center.  Lots of activity,
thanks for your copy of my QRP, I enjoyed the contest.  73,  Dan  ke0g

Call: KI0I              Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 100,360
This is a fast and fun qso party,only 7 hrs to get all u can. I like
 the short exchange and the merge of cw and fone into 0ne category.
 Thanks to all u mobile ops who take to the road for the benefit of all
 who participate.Great job!    The WX was too nice to sit inside all
 day but I put some time in the op chair anyway. Thanks all 73 Mark KI0I

Call: KJ4LTA            Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 18,600
Thanks for the FUN!! 73's ED

Call: KN4Y              Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 87,120
Operating in a warm radio shack on a cool almost cold afternoon I operated CW in
the QSO party working six mobiles out in the cold world and a bunch of fixed
stations. CW is still alive and ditting in Wisconsin. It was fun.

Call: KV8Q              Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 452,250
Another fun seven hours.  Twenty meters was the suprise of the day staying open
until the sun went down.  I heard lots of folks on 15 but they never heard me.
Forty was a bit shaky at first but it settled down very nicely.  And, I even got
a couple of Q's on 160 for a change.  My score was a bit better than last time I
worked this event.  Special thanks to the great mobiles we got to chase around.
Here are the calls/QSO's:
W9DND / 23
N0IJ / 23
W9HB / 22
NG9T / 19
W9MSE / 18
NE9U / 16
KB9OWD / 14
WI9WI / 4
KE0G / 4
WA0MJH / 3
And, thanks to all of the fixed stations that kept the bands interesting.  I'll
try to get this one on the calendar again for next year.  'Till then, 73  tom
KV8Q  ar

Call: N0IJ              Class: SO Mobile LP             Total Score = 1,571,040
This one is always a lot of fun--just not as much fun this year as last!  Found
condx and participation down, at least in the areas we traveled in.  Hard to
say for sure, as I had some problems with the K3--low audio.  Had to run both
AF & RF gain wide open, and still had a hard time hearing--appologies to
those I missed.  Also, forgot the rx button was pushed on 80 from the DX
contest, which was embarrassing and explains why 2 counties had no 80 near the
end!  Very happy for:  Driver, Terry, W0TVD, who piloted us through some of the
worst roads in the state, that we survived a 4 wheel slide through slush on a
back road in CHI, that I was able to hold my cookies down (barely) during the
same stretch of road, that we made all 18 of our counties, and all the folks
who followed us around and provided so many Q's.  Not so happy about the rig
issue, the fact the Q count was down so much, and the out state mult count was
way down-- missing such as NV, ID, NE, ND, SD, AR, MS, LA, SC, VT, and ME, plus
only getting VE3 in Canada.

Amazed at all the dx activity, in fact the undercurrent of EU callers made copy
tough at times on 20.  OM2VL in the log 17 times plus gave him 2 other counties
before the contest.  What a signal he has on 40.

QSO leaders:  KV8Q/22, N2CU/21, OM2VL/17, N0IM, K9NW & AA4FU/15,  N0UR/14,
and several with 12.  Thanks!!

John, N0IJ op
Terry, W0TVD driver

Call: N2CU              Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 529,920
Thanks for all the fun! Missed CLA, DOO and WOO for the sweep.

K3/100, TH6DXX 48', 40m dipole and delta loop, 80m wire vertical, 160m Inv L,

Tom N2CU <><

Call: N4NSS             Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 14,880
Just getting ready for FLQP.  Need practice and must learn to sit and call CQ
instead of S&P.  I should stick to what is hot and that was CW.  S&P
takes too much time.  I used my 43 ft. antenna thrown into tree.  K3 at 100

Call: N4PN              Class: SO Fixed HP              Total Score = 261,800
Lots of activity packed into a short 7 hours. Missed four counties
Wood, Clark, Dunn and Iron..sure all were on...I heard Iron on 40m
but couldn't run him down...
More Q's and one more mult this year compared to last year...
Thanks to the mobiles/portables and to the sponsor..
This was a lot of fun..
73, Paul, N4PN

Call: N9UA              Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 848,640
Thanks for all the Q's.  73, Mike

Call: N9VPV             Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 8,820
Got in about 2 hrs of S&P at the very end of the QSO party, but still got e

Call: NE9U              Class: Multi-Op Mobile LP       Total Score = 1,670,280
Originally our plan for 2014 WQP was to try the M/M category.  But with the
crappy cold weather in Wisconsin, we could never get motivated enough to work
on our vehicle or antennas.

So we ended up using the same antennas we used last year.  KK9K just bought a
"new" used K3, so we decided to use it.  We also decided at last
minute to use a different vehicle with more leg room for the back seat
operator.  Trouble was we didn't test either out until about 2 hours before we
left for our trip north on Saturday morning.  The vehicle had pretty bad spark
plug noise.  But the K3 noise blanker seemed to do a pretty good job
eliminating it.  40 and 80 seemed pretty dead, but it was noon Saturday so we
assumed it was just mid day propagation.  So off to the Northwoods we went!

Got to the cabin, turned the heat on and went back to town for our traditional
Steaks.  Steak place was closed until fishing season opens in May!  Only other
option unless we wanted to drive 30 miles was the local bar and grill.  They
had pretty good burgers and KK9K hit the $100 jackpot on what I'm sure was a
legal game of chance.  That paid for our night!

We went out for breakfast Sunday morning and then made the 30 minute trip to
our starting line.  Hmmmm....40 still sounds crappy.  20 wasn't too bad

And that's how it was all day for us.  When we got back home we did an A/B test
on the K3 vs. a K2 and s1 sigs on the K3 were 20/9 on the K2!!!  oh oh.  Either
the Rig had a problem on 40 and 80 meters or we had a very serious case of
operator error....neither of us had used a k3 before and we probably had
something in the menu options totally screwed up...it will be interesting to
see what KK9K eventually finds out.  Sorry to those who called us and we
couldn't hear...we were alligators. I'm amazed we worked as many as we did on

Other than that we had our usual fun time.  Weather was good.  Roads were
horrible (bumby...pot holes...etc....)  Worked a lot of DX this year but that
was expected.  Tried 15 meters but didn't seem to be anyone there listening for
us...it sounded good though!  We also downloaded an APRS App for my phone and
people say that really helped in tracking us into new counties.

Well, hope to see everyone in 2015....maybe M/M!!!  This was N9BCA and I's 23rd
year I think.  Year #2 for KK9K with us.

Call: OM2VL             Class: SO Fixed HP              Total Score = 219,760
First time in WI QP. Thanks for the nice QSO's. Many times I had problem the USA
wall, but I can made QSO's with all stations which I heard.
Missed only 5 counties: CLA, FON, JEF, OZA, WOO.

Most QSO's with:
N0IJ  18/14 (QSO/CTY)
W9DND 17/14
NE9U  15/13
W9MSE 11/11
W9HB  10/10
NG9Y   8/8
KE0G   6/3
WA0MHJ 5/3
KB9OWD 5/4

Before the contest I had confirmed only 34 counties from WI, now I need only
CLARK county ... maybe next year :)

73 Laci OM2VL

Call: VA3GKO            Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 47,960
One of the most enjoyable qso party's going. Great operators with class !!. See
you all next year.

Call: VE3KJQ            Class: SO Beginner QRP          Total Score = 3,300
KX3, Cushcraft R7

Call: VE9AA             Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 14,040
I've been to Milwaukee & Madison quite a few times on training for work.
Always enjoy the State. Always a bit warmer than home.
Shame I couldn't have spent more time in your party. Thanks for having me over
and digging out my peanut whistle from the noise.
100w & HF9V

Mike VE9AA IC7410 & N1MM

Call: W1END             Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 165,920
Wow, what a party.  And no hangover.  I loved it near the end when the mobiles
started increasing the (sending) speed.  I bumped mine up a couple of notches
also.  This is undoubtedly my best effort.  Conditions were superb although 40M
was somewhat noisy.  Lets do it again next year.  Thanks to all.
Rig was FTdx5000 (150w) and Butternut HF6V.
Eldon - W1END

Call: W6SX              Class: SO Fixed HP              Total Score = 1,200
K3, ACOM 2000A, wire antenna at 46 feet with Matchboxes, N1MM.

Call: W7KAM             Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 3,400
Only able to get on for a couple of hours late in the contest.
100 watts into a G5RV Jr. up 20 foot.

Call: W8KTQ             Class: SO Fixed QRP             Total Score = 260,000
I hate to admit it but this is the first QRP effort I've ever tried! What a
great way to test your antenna farm!! Thanks to all for digging out my sigs.
Great job mobiles!! Had a ball!

Call: W9DND             Class: SO Mobile LP             Total Score = 1,763,940
The long winter in this area came to an end on Sunday. We finally
broke through the freezing temperatures to hit the mid 40s. It
looks like the WIQP weather genie is back at work.

John, W9DND, and I ventured out for another great run through
western Wisconsin. We ran the same route as last year and it
worked very well. The roads were in very good shape with a few
potholes to keep us awake.

Our score was down considerably from last year (about 20%) but
we didn't have any problems. We operated primarily on 40M & 20M
throughout the day. We went to 80M for the last half hour or so.
I reconfigured the antenna a bit this year to try to get it to
tune on 15M but it still doesn't want to go there.

We had 227 unique calls in the log with an array of heavy hitters
who followed us all day.
23 - KV8Q
16 - AA4FU
16 - OM2VL
14 - N0UR
14 - W1END
14 - W9EAU
13 - K9NW
13 - KQ3F

Thanks to these and everyone who make this event so much fun. The
West Allis RC deserves commendation for sponsoring WIQP every year.

Pat K0PC & John W9DND

Call: W9EAU             Class: M/M Fixed LP             Total Score = 2,673,750
This one is always a lot of fun. Since 1999 W0AIH has been hosting a multi-op at
his antenna farm for WIQP. In 2002, we started using the Eau Claire ARC club
callsign W9EAU. This year started slow with a lot of problems. Paul had to fix
the 40 meter dipole just before the start and we had to work on a number of
other issues during the first hour.

Every year our goal is to work all the Wisconsin counties but somehow we have
always come up just short.  With 15 minutes left we were down to only needing
Adams county.  We all thought that this was going to be another year of missing
our goal by just one county. Then NE9U/ADA was spotted. A minute later Adams
county went into the log for the sweep with 2 minutes to spare!

Thanks Paul W0AIH for hosting us another year.

         80 CW: KB9S/W0AIH
         80 PH: WB9NTO
         40 PH: KG0KM
         40 CW: K0TG
         20 PH: KB9WPC,KB9AZZ
         20 CW: KB9S
         15 PH: KB9WPC,KB9AZZ
         15 CW: KB9S
         10 PH: N0KD
         10 CW: KB9S
          2 PH: KB9S

72 Counties
46 States
7 Canadian Provinces
Counties Missed:
None !!!!

Thanks everyone for all the qso's.

Pictures at:

Call: W9QL              Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 182,970
Was able to participate part-time from my QTH, about 10 miles south of the
Wisconsin state line. Too close for anything but 40 and 80 which seemed fairly
decent, although 80 was fairly noisy. Worked a couple more counties than last
time but still missed quite a few. Heard TAY and IOW but never worked them.
Score reflects power multiplier.


Call: WA0MHJ            Class: SO Mobile LP             Total Score = 163,640
I started the day late, so I ran the route in reverse and trimmed it to four
counties only. Driving solo with the operating position in the rear seat of the
Suburban necessitated drive and park operation.
I started in the parking lot of a sports bar where inside everything was in
full swing. (Yes a Sunday afternoon polka band / dance.) Without a dance
partner, I continued down the road.
I finished the contest at a "way off the beaten path" little
bar/restaurant, where I persuaded them to allow me to enjoy a cold one while
finishing the last 15 minutes. Curiosity by the locals, and I told them to tap
on the truck window, and I gave them a quick tour of what I was doing. Back
inside for a dinner plate size pulled pork sandwich, and I then left for home.
Thanks for all the Q's in the short burst I was on. For me 15 meters seemed
very hot. Too bad there was not more activity there.

Call: WB8JUI            Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 88,000
Had a couple hours of fun chasing mobiles around Wisconsin.

Hope to have more time next year.

Thanks for letting me ride along.

73 - Rick WB8JUI

Call: WE9V              Class: SO Fixed LP              Total Score = 2,073,780
After a 10 year hiatus (excluding a short part-time effort 3 years ago), it was
good to operate this one again.  What a fun time.  It was hard work trying to
keep track of and work all the mobiles.  You guys do such a fantastic job.  I
worked 69 of the 72 counties.  I believe one was activated but I missed it
(JACkson), and I'm not sure about the other 2 (CLArk and WOOd).  I only missed
2 states, RI and OK.  Was surprised to work VY1, but missed "easy"
VE2 and VE6.

After making a few thousand QSOs last weekend as P40L in the ARRL DX SSB
contest, I found it difficult to find my own callsign, and even worse, I wanted
to use "five-nine K" instead of "five-nine Kenosha".

Thanks everyone for the QSOs, and thanks again to the mobiles.

Chad WE9V

Call: WI9WI             Class: SO Mobile LP             Total Score = 135,750
After a good start this turned into a disaster. I had intended to activate IOW,
GRE, LAF, ROC, WAL and JEF to add 5 new counties (excepting IOW) to the list of
counties I have operated from solo mobile in the WIQP. I set up in IOW near the
IOW/GRE county line. Everything worked fine, and after 45 minutes I pulled up
the road into GRE. After 45 minutes there I moved on to LAF. That took about 30
min to get to my operating spot. When I turned on the radio it had trouble
adjusting the tuner to the 40 meter antenna. I use the tuner in the K-3 because
the antennas are very narrow banded. After one QSO, I noted smoke coming out of
the K-3. I quickly turned it off and checked everything. I turned it back on
and it still wouldn't tune properly, with more smoke coming out of it. I again
quickly turned it off. At first I thought the problem might be the tuner, but
after a bit of thought I figured the problem must be the coax, although it has
worked fine for years. Not wanting to further abuse the K-3 I put my spare
radio, an IC-7000 in line and changed the coax. Everything now worked fine. I
started making QSOs on 40, and after 13 QSOs in 8 minutes my RV battery failed.
This should not have happened. It is a glass-mat battery less than 2 years old
and has done a fine job in several mobile and camping/field day type
operations. I keep it charged and have it on a maintenance charger when I'm not
using it. Now my choice was to quit or put the radio on the vehicle battery. I
really didn't have the proper tools to put it on the car battery, so I drove
back home which took about 50 minutes. I thought of just quitting  but after a
bit more thought I decided to put the radio on the car battery and drive to
Rock Co which would take about 25 minutes and pass out some QSOs from Rock.
With proper tools it only took about 10 minutes to hook up to the car battery
and I drove to Rock. I turned everything on, and now the IC-7000 wouldn't tune
into either the 40 meter Bugcatcher or the 20 meter Hustler. I switched coaxes
again, but no joy. Quick investigation seemed to point at a loose antenna
connection within the tuner. So I quit, went home, unpacked everything and had
a beer. Monday morning I got everything on the table and started checking
things out. First I checked out both radios in my normal station configuration.
No problems. I took the K-3 apart and could see no obvious damage in spite of
the smoke the previous day. It and the internal tuner worked fine. The coax
connector to the antenna on the LDG tuner for the IC-7000 was slightly loose. I
tightened it up, and it and the radio worked fine. Next I checked out the coax.
There was an intermittent short in the PL-259 that attached to the radio. I
have used this coax for years, and I guess it was done in by a lot of wear and
tear. I threw it way. I expect the smoke from the K-3 was coming from dust on
the heat sink for the finals which overheated when the tuner was trying to
match a short circuit. The K-3 seems to have no issues after this abuse. So the
bottom line was a wasted day when the weather was about as good as we've had for
months and band conditions were good. The radios are fine. I'm not sure what the
issue is with the battery, but it is under warranty, so even if it is bad I'll
get something out of it. I used a new car for this one. On the old car I had a
power cable with PowerPole connectors already attached to the battery for just
such circumstances. I've got to do it to this one, it might have saved me a lot
of trouble.

Thanks to all the participants and thanks for the few QSOs I did make.

Next year.



Call: WN4AFP            Class: SO Beginner LP           Total Score = 5,850
This was my first WIQP! I only had an hour to participate, but it was a
fun-filled hour. Hope to have more time next year.

Index of Calls
Call: AA4FU             Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: AE6YB             Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: AE7DW             Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: DL4CW             Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: K0OU              Class: SO Fixed QRP
Call: K0TI              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: K1TN/9            Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: K3TN              Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: K4BAI             Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: K9PG              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: K9WX              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: KE0G              Class: SO Mobile QRP
Call: KI0I              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: KJ4LTA            Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: KJ4VTH            Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: KN4Y              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: KV8Q              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: N0IJ              Class: SO Mobile LP
Call: N2CU              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: N2ZN              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: N4CF              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: N4NSS             Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: N4PN              Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: N9UA              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: N9VPV             Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: NE9U              Class: Multi-Op Mobile LP
Call: NQ9A              Class: M/M Fixed LP
Call: NS9I              Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: NW2K              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: OM2VL             Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: VA3GKO            Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: VE3CX             Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: VE3KJQ            Class: SO Beginner QRP
Call: VE9AA             Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: W1END             Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: W1EQ              Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: W5ASP             Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: W6SX              Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: W7KAM             Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: W7OM              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: W8KTQ             Class: SO Fixed QRP
Call: W9AV              Class: SO Fixed HP
Call: W9DND             Class: SO Mobile LP
Call: W9EAU             Class: M/M Fixed LP
Call: W9OP              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: W9QL              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: W9RE              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: WA0MHJ            Class: SO Mobile LP
Call: WB2P              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: WB8JUI            Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: WE9V              Class: SO Fixed LP
Call: WI9WI             Class: SO Mobile LP
Call: WN4AFP            Class: SO Beginner LP

Index of Calls organized by Class

Class: M/M Fixed LP
         Call: NQ9A
         Call: W9EAU

Class: Multi-Op Mobile LP
         Call: NE9U

Class: SO Beginner LP
         Call: WN4AFP

Class: SO Beginner QRP
         Call: VE3KJQ

Class: SO Fixed HP
         Call: K1TN/9
         Call: K3TN
         Call: K4BAI
         Call: N4PN
         Call: NS9I
         Call: OM2VL
         Call: VE3CX
         Call: W1EQ
         Call: W5ASP
         Call: W6SX
         Call: W9AV

Class: SO Fixed LP
         Call: AA4FU
         Call: AE6YB
         Call: AE7DW
         Call: DL4CW
         Call: K0TI
         Call: K9PG
         Call: K9WX
         Call: KI0I
         Call: KJ4LTA
         Call: KJ4VTH
         Call: KN4Y
         Call: KV8Q
         Call: N2CU
         Call: N2ZN
         Call: N4CF
         Call: N4NSS
         Call: N9UA
         Call: N9VPV
         Call: NW2K
         Call: VA3GKO
         Call: VE9AA
         Call: W1END
         Call: W7KAM
         Call: W7OM
         Call: W9OP
         Call: W9QL
         Call: W9RE
         Call: WB2P
         Call: WB8JUI
         Call: WE9V

Class: SO Fixed QRP
         Call: K0OU
         Call: W8KTQ

Class: SO Mobile LP
         Call: N0IJ
         Call: W9DND
         Call: WA0MHJ
         Call: WI9WI

Class: SO Mobile QRP
         Call: KE0G

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