[CQ-Contest] ARRL Log checking reports

John Kuklewicz N7ZN kukl at wildblue.net
Fri Aug 1 00:31:00 EDT 2014


Heck what about the line scores?

Back in mid July I email ARRL and asked pretty much the same questions,
since the August QST had come out with the full results article:

Below is email I rcvd from ARRL:

------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RE: 2014 ARRL DX Contest Results
Date: 	Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:42:48 +0000
From: 	Contest <contest at arrl.org>
To: 	  <snip>

Hi John,

Thank you for your note.  I just started in this position which has been vacant since January. 
I wish I could give you a hard date, but at this point all I can tell you is that I'm working very 
hard to get everything up to date as soon as possible.  
Thank you for your patience and I certainly look forward to making announcements when 
the data is available.


Matt Wilhelm W1MSW
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

On 31-Jul-2014 1419, Dave N1IX wrote:
> I wonder why the LCR have not been posted for the ARRL DX CW contest ? The
> results have been published. 
> Dave N1IX
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