[CQ-Contest] Full Results of the 2014 Michian QSO Party Available

David Pruett k8cc at comcast.net
Fri Aug 15 13:38:33 EDT 2014

The full results of the 2014 Michigan QSO Party are now available on the 
MiQP web site http://www.miqp.org.

The major category winners were:

Hi Score - Michigan Single-Operator - High Power
Steve Wuelfing, K8BZ

Hi Score - Michigan Single-Operator - Low Power
Greg Chapoton, NA8V

Hi Score - Michigan Single-Operator - QRP
Station N8M, Operator: Hank Greeb, N8XX

Hi Score - Michigan Multi-Op, Single-Transmitter
Station K8MQP - Ops: K8CC, KE8OC, KT8X, W8MJ and WR8W

Hi Score - Michigan Multi-Op, Multi-Transmitter
Station W8SH - Ops: W8EO, WB8LZG, KB8ZGL, KA8IWK, KD8SLH, KD8KYR, 

Hi Score - Michigan Mobile, Multi-Operator
Station K8IR/m - Operators K8IR & KG9GH

Hi Score - Michigan EOC Station
Station K8UNS - Ops N8MR, K8AZT, K8YYZ, & KB8CRM

Hi Score - Out of State Single-Operator, Eastern/Central Region
Paul Newberry, N4PN

Hi Score - Out of State Single-Operator, Mountain/Pacific Region
Larry Lewis, KØRI

Hi Combined Score - Michigan Club
Cherryland Amateur Radio Club

Hi Combined Score - Non-Michigan Club
Florida Contest Group

There were insufficient entries in the Michigan Mobile Solo Operator and 
Michigan Rookie Single Operator categories to award plaques.

The MiQP Committee congratulates all of these winners, as well as those 
winners at the county, state or province level. Certificate and plaque 
awards are in the process of production, and should be in the winner's 
hands no later than October 1, 2014.

Dave/K8CC & the MiQP Organizing Committee

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