[CQ-Contest] 2014 DL-DX RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 15Aug2014

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri Aug 15 15:25:41 EDT 2014

2014 DL-DX RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 15Aug2014

Complete web listing of scores with clickable links to individual postings is available at: http://www.3830scores.com/currecscores.php?arg=3hcvgozufiial

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Aug 10, 2014
E-mail logs to: logs at drcg.de
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call                 Qs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All M/S HP
N2BJ               509  6575   146    11    959,950 SMC

Call                 Qs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SO/Multi Xcvr HP
K4GMH             1102 14985   214    17  3,206,790 PVRC
IW1AYD(@IQ1RY)     844 10351   190 16.22  1,966,690 RR DX
AA3B               506  6500   154     7  1,001,000 FRC
VA2UP              468  6150   142     6    873,300 CG Que

Call                 Qs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOAB-24 HP
SP4TXI             736  9160   203        1,859,480 
KH6ZM              650 10055   180  16.5  1,809,900 
WJ2D               700  9035   176    17  1,590,160 North Carolina DX & 
VA7KO              608  8495   157    18  1,333,715 Orca DXCC
VE7SZ              505  6730   126    13    847,980 Orca DXCC
WB2RHM/4           385  4580   173  17.5    792,340 SECC
AL9A               460  6715   117  9:55    785,655 SMC
VA7ST              400  5565   129  13.5    717,885 Orca DXCC
W3FV               327  4405   123   5.5    541,815 FRC
DK8EY              299  3441   120     9    430,125 RR DX

NS9I               159  2025    53   7.3    155,925 BzDXCC
XE2B               112  1320    63     7     83,160 Araucaria DX

Call                 Qs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOAB-24 LP
K1IMI(N4CW)        400  5095   140 12h15    713,300 PVRC
LI5LJA(LA5LJA)     406  5402   121    11    653,653 THE TANGO TEAM
NX8G               359  4685   118 11:14    552,830 Lou CC
W4LC               328  4040   120    12    484,800 KCG
5P9X(OZ9GA)        320  3601   127     9    457,327 DRCG
K7TQ               210  2395   108     8    258,660 Spokane DX Associati
K2DSL              176  2290   101          231,290 Bergen ARA
KG4V/1(N1EN)       116  1265    71           89,815 YCCC
KS0M                91   980    56           54,880 
KH6GMP              20   300    21    24      6,300 

Call                 Qs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOAB-24-Dipole HP
N3QE               474  5850   166    12    971,100 PVRC
VE2FU              293  3655    67 12:23    413,015 CG Que
W6SX               116  1025    62           63,550 NCCC

Call                 Qs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOAB-24-Dipole LP
DJ1OJ              359  4237   177    12    749,949 DRCG
W5EW               272  3005   102  17.5    306,510 
VE3AJ              204  2580    88          277,040 CCO
NS3L               234  2530    51  6:46    212,520 FRC
OH9GIT(VAINO)      173  1981    69          136,689 

Call                 Qs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
9A1CRT(9A7R)       353  4420   149     6    658,580 Croatian CC
DL4RCK             305  3668   156     6    572,208 DRCG
DJ3IW              228  2972   135 05:30    401,220 DRCG
AI9T               221  3005   104   4.3    312,520 SMC
W6RLL/7            247  2780   112     6    311,360 AOCC
W8UL               100  1405    57    3+     80,085 
N6QQ               103  1130    51     2     68,930 STXDXCC
N1JM                47   445    40           17,800 AOCC
VY2LI               28   295    18   <.5      5,310 MCC

Call                 Qs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
WB5TUF             290  3395   121          410,795 TDXS
W1ZD/7             205  2535    68   5.9    172,380 AOCC
GU0SUP             119  1525    69     6    129,625 DRCG

Call                 Qs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOAB-6-Dipole HP
VE2NMB             139  1820    86  5:32    156,520 CG Que

Call                 Qs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOAB-6-Dipole LP
YT2AAA             222  2463    74     6    182,262 CC Serb
FP/KV1J            180  2355    77     4    181,335 YCCC
Z39A               138  1603    65   4.5    104,195 Z37M Contest team
K7MKL/VE4           45   450    27     6     12,150 RadMan
AE7DW               11    95    14     6      1,330 AOCC


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